When did you first start feeling crappy? This week my back has been giving me pain when I am moving around too much (I am on modified bedrest to begin with). I feel like it is too early to start feeling achy. I know toward the end is bad, but when did it all start?
IVF cycle 1-BPF!
9/13/09-Twin boys born at 23 weeks due to Pprom.
Ethan and Jacob-our beautiful angel babies lived for 11 minutes and 23 hours.
Single embryo FET 12/2009-BFP!
Blake born 8/2010 at 39 weeks after 36 hours of labor and an emergency c section <
IVF 2- BPF! Due April 27th
Our Story
Re: When did it start
Sorry you are feeling crappy...hopefully it is a short phase and you can have some more pain free weeks to come!
I recently just posted how surprised I was at being soooo tired all of the sudden again (at about 25 weeks). I ordered a back support band too to deal with rising back discomfort...but all in all, I feel blessed that I don't have much to complain about (yet)... Hang in there!!!!!