
Reflux in adults

Anyone have reflux?  What do you take for it?

Re: Reflux in adults

  • Yes, pretty bad too.  Even eggs give my heartburn/issues.  I have tried several different medications and the only one that really works is Protonix.  And I can't seem to get my insurance company to cover this one for some reason.
  • My DH has it.  He's tried a number of things but is now on Prilosec.  He gets an Rx for it because the OTC kind is expensive.
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  • Prilosec.

    I have another Dr. visit this week because it isn't helping and I am constantly getting heartburn. Hell, I wake up with heartburn.

    It gets so bad I haven't run in about a week because I am so uncomfortable.

  • Prilosec and Nexium stink.  It's like trying to control reflux with Tums.
  • I take two Pepcid AC Maximum Strength (generic) per day.  If I don't, I'm feeling it.  It doesn't even matter what I eat or how much of it.
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