I use my double stroller all the time. I need it when I am out with the both of them. I let DD know ahead of time that she needs to stay in it so I am not chasing her all over the place while trying to take care of DS too. If I have to just run in the store for a few things, I bring the stroller so I don't have DD walking getting into stuff.
If we go to the mall or for a walk, if DD gets tired, she can sit in the stroller.
When DS was a newborn, I carried him and pushed DD, but he quickly got way too big for that!
We don't have one yet but I have a feeling we are going to need one. We walk the dogs every day though and do a lot of family activities where strollers are needed (zoo etc). Right now M is either being worn or we put the back of the seat down and lay her there and K sits up - probably not the best but it works now...however not for much longer.
I think it depends on your lifestyle. We only have a double jogger for neighborhood walks. I have never wanted or needed a double. I know what stores have double carts or DD walks when we go shopping. It also depends on your kid. DD likes to walk and stays close by. I pretty much never take them on long outings by myself so when we go out all day we use 2 umbrella strollers.
My kids are 2 1/2 years apart and I bought a sit n stand. I used it for many years. I think the double stroller would have been a waste for me because my oldest would have not wanted to sit in a stroller so the sit n stand gave him the ability to still be pushed around but in a different setting.
I still use mine and am looking at getting a sit and stand soon b/c both girls can sit on that if they have to squish. It's not that my girls can't walk. They just get tired at the mall, zoo, etc. Plus sometimes I like to keep them contained.
That depends on your lifestyle. I live in Manhattan so for me it's a necessity, although right now I generally wear the baby. I know once she's too big/heavy I'll still be walking way too far for my two year old on a regular basis. But I've known people who rarely or never used/needed a double stroller.
YES!! Our older DD was 27 mos when our younger DD was born & we used a double stroller all the time (GracoDuoGlider). With our youngest DS, who is 9 mos old currently, our younger DD was 33 mos when he was born & we use the BabyTrend Sit & Stand LX all the time. LOVE IT!! We go to the zoo at least once a week in the summer and are at the museum all the time in the winter, so we are out & about with it a lot. I would never use a "regular" double stroller again after having this. It's nice for the older child to have the option to hop on and sit or stand when they get a little tired. And, actually, our 5 year old AND our 3 year old fit on the back of that thing! Our 9 month old's Snug Ride 32 snaps right on the front of it with the car seat adapter that comes with the stroller.
Best. Stroller. Ever!!!! I recommend this stroller to every new mom of 2. GL!
Like the others it depends on your lifestyle. I would say I have wanted one quite a few times but I don't go out enough to dignify it (we go to the zoo a few times a year and that's the extent we use it). What I ended up doing as DD was about 5 mths (sitting up) I would lay the seat flat and DS would sit in back and DD would be between his legs. I still do this and they are 2 and 3. Anyways if we have another child any time soon I will be getting the sit and stand thing.
Mommy to DS1 ~10.11.05~ DD1 ~07.22.07~ DD2 ~09.10.10~
We live in the city and are constantly out walking around. So for us it was a necessity. Our dd was 22 mos. when DS was born, and of course she walked quite well, but she still gets tired when we're spending 3 hours at the zoo, or walking downtown, etc. Plus, being an active toddler she loves to run off, and we sometimes have to strap her in just to keep an eye on her.
Re: Parents of 2 LO's
I use my double stroller all the time. I need it when I am out with the both of them. I let DD know ahead of time that she needs to stay in it so I am not chasing her all over the place while trying to take care of DS too. If I have to just run in the store for a few things, I bring the stroller so I don't have DD walking getting into stuff.
If we go to the mall or for a walk, if DD gets tired, she can sit in the stroller.
When DS was a newborn, I carried him and pushed DD, but he quickly got way too big for that!
We use our double stroller (Peg Perego Aria Twin 60/40) a lot!!!!!
YES!! Our older DD was 27 mos when our younger DD was born & we used a double stroller all the time (GracoDuoGlider). With our youngest DS, who is 9 mos old currently, our younger DD was 33 mos when he was born & we use the BabyTrend Sit & Stand LX all the time. LOVE IT!! We go to the zoo at least once a week in the summer and are at the museum all the time in the winter, so we are out & about with it a lot. I would never use a "regular" double stroller again after having this. It's nice for the older child to have the option to hop on and sit or stand when they get a little tired. And, actually, our 5 year old AND our 3 year old fit on the back of that thing! Our 9 month old's Snug Ride 32 snaps right on the front of it with the car seat adapter that comes with the stroller.
Best. Stroller. Ever!!!! I recommend this stroller to every new mom of 2. GL!