Those of you who suffer from migraines, what do you take/do to help? I was on 3 different daily medications. It's gotten too expensive, and one of them I would have quit anyway because it was making me loopy.
I have yet to figure out my triggers really even though I've been suffering these for years. I honestly think I have several - some related to my cycle, some related to stress, some salt intake or lack of eating. Regardless, I get them several times a month.
I've had tons of testing done, and they can't find a physical reason for them. It's gotten to the point where I've been taking at least 1 day off work a month for a migraine.
Re: NPR: Migraines
Too funny, I didn't see DandR's post until right after I posted. Reminds me though - caffeine does not help. Only thing that might help is going to bed, and even then I might still wake up with it.
maxalt (nice for when i'm puky because it disolves under your tongue and you don't need water....or worry about puking it up)
Both the maxalt and imitrex I take with an aleve..the combo works best for me.
fioricet--did nothing for me. my mom loves it though.
there was one ohter that I've taken, but can't remember the name.....
I used to take Amitriptyline every night to prevent a headache the next day. If I still got a headache then Excedrin Migraine, if that didn't work then Relpax b/c Imitrex makes me itchy. After having dd the migraines became less so I stopped the Amitriptyline & went straight to Excedrin Migraine & then Relpax if needed. Now after ds I can take Tylenol & if that doesn't work then Excedrin. It's only been 2 months since I had ds so who knows what the future will bring.