
NPR: Migraines

Those of you who suffer from migraines, what do you take/do to help?  I was on 3 different daily medications.  It's gotten too expensive, and one of them I would have quit anyway because it was making me loopy.

I have yet to figure out my triggers really even though I've been suffering these for years.  I honestly think I have several - some related to my cycle, some related to stress, some salt intake or lack of eating.  Regardless, I get them several times a month.

I've had tons of testing done, and they can't find a physical reason for them.  It's gotten to the point where I've been taking at least 1 day off work a month for a migraine.

Jesse - mommy of Brooke 6/15/06 and Taylor 9/1/07 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image

Re: NPR: Migraines

  • normally imitrex, but have found that Excedrin Extra Strength Express Gels take it away just as well
  • Too funny, I didn't see DandR's post until right after I posted.  Reminds me though - caffeine does not help.  Only thing that might help is going to bed, and even then I might still wake up with it.

    Jesse - mommy of Brooke 6/15/06 and Taylor 9/1/07 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
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  • maxalt (nice for when i'm puky because it disolves under your tongue and you don't need water....or worry about puking it up)


     Both the maxalt and imitrex I take with an aleve..the combo works best for me.

    fioricet--did nothing for me.  my mom loves it though.

    there was one ohter that I've taken, but can't remember the name.....



  • oh and my doc has suggested I try some daily medication that is used in epilepsy patients, but the side effects were WAYYYY to scary.  I'll take my 1-2 month migraines
  • for me, 3 excedrin tension headache + 3 motrin + water + laying down in a cool, dark room (and if it's really bad, I put a cold washcloth over my head and eyes). Sometimes, I have to go force myself to puke (sorry TMI). And very rarely, when my head feels like it's going to explode, I have to tie something around my head very tightly (don't laugh, seriously). I am a sight for sore eyes then.
    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • Mine are cycle related and they were much worse when I was on the pill. I don't remember the last prescription med I took, but now I take either 800 mg of advil or 2 excedrine (regular or migraine are the same).
  • I used to take Amitriptyline every night to prevent a headache the next day.  If I still got a headache then Excedrin Migraine, if that didn't work then Relpax b/c Imitrex makes me itchy.  After having dd the migraines became less so I stopped the Amitriptyline & went straight to Excedrin Migraine & then Relpax if needed.  Now after ds I can take Tylenol & if that doesn't work then Excedrin.  It's only been 2 months since I had ds so who knows what the future will bring.


  • I take a daily beta blocker and then I use Treximet when I get migraines.  I was getting to the point where my 50mg of Imitrex didn't work anymore so my neurologist prescribed the Treximet.  It's a combo of imitrex and naproxen.  It's been working for me for over six months now!
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