
Moms that have one of each and want one more

Do you want a boy or girl for your third? And why? Or do you figure it doesn't really matter at this point since you already have one of each?

Re: Moms that have one of each and want one more

  • I am not 100% yet on a third yet but am thinking about it but I wouldn't care if it was a girl or boy. A girl would be easier because of room situations, we only have 3 bedrooms and then if we had a boy , it would be a 5 or 6 year old sharing with an infant...IDK. otherwise I dont really care.
  • I have 4 now, but before finding out the sex of my 3rd baby, I was kind of leaning toward boy. Not b/c I wanted  another son more than a daughter, but my pregnancy just felt exactly like it did with my boy. So, I guess to answer your ?, it didn't matter, but when the U/S showed a girl, I was shocked! I was in disbelief for about a week, and for some reason, kind of sad (probably b/c of hormones). Anyhow, I had a beautiful DD and then a few months later, got pregnant again and had another boy. So now I have 2 of each and can't even imagine what life ould be like without 2 girls and 2 boys.
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  • I don't think I care, but if I had to choose I'd think it would be girl b/c I think DS would be a really good big bro to two little sisters and both me and DH had families with 3 kids that included 1 boy and 2 girls.
  • It doesn't REALLY matter but.... I have reasons for wanting both! I'd like another girl so DD has a sister that is closer in age. Also because my mom and I are so close - I hope to have that kind of relationship with my girl(s). I'd also love another little momma's boy but I'm already worried (not really but it's a thought I've had) about being a MIL and what if my DIL doesn't like me and shuts me out??  :-( I'm a freak - I know. So it's a win-win, IMO. We'll be happy either way.
    Molly - DS - 12.16.06 DD - 3.20.09 DD - 3.11.11
  • imagenettie:
    I am not 100% yet on a third yet but am thinking about it but I wouldn't care if it was a girl or boy. A girl would be easier because of room situations, we only have 3 bedrooms and then if we had a boy , it would be a 5 or 6 year old sharing with an infant...IDK. otherwise I dont really care.

    This - exactly.

  • I'm not certain we'll ever have another, but in the event that pregnancy and newborn amnesia sets in years down the road and we DO decide to have another....I always thought I'd want another boy.  Why?  I don't know.  It's just what I got used to first and LOVED having.  I love having a girl now but I'm not yet getting the full effect since she's only 4 mo.  Ask me again in about 2 yrs.!  ;-)  But seriously though, it really wouldn't matter....I'd just like one of them to have a same sex sibling.  And I might have the patience with the third to NOT find out the sex when I'm pg and just let it be a surprise. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I don't really care but I want a girl.  I would prefer the kids go girl, boy, girl, boy, girl, boy.  I think it will cut back on competition especially because they are so close in age.  I also think it will allow them to do boy and girl stuff.  If this baby is a boy I think DS and the baby would team up against DD.  I miss the girl clothes too since I just finished with the baby boy clothes. 

    DH did want the baby to be a boy because DS was the easiest baby and DH thought that was because he was a boy.  DS has now hit the terrible ones and I think he has changed his mind.

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