Last time, on My Strange Children, Bryan was running amok cleaning toilets of his own volition, Samantha was her bipolar 3 year old self, and Brett and Kori were tired.... as usual.
Imagine if you will....
Bryan napped a whopping 30min in the car (his usual being 3-4hours), Samantha ran amok at the "wibawy" (library), Brett was exhausted. ?Bryan was trying to fall asleep in his dumptruck (sitting in the dumper like it was a sled), so Kori put him to bed. ?Brett fell asleep. ?Samantha tried to be Doctor Sam and take care of daddy, then Kori, saying "ok you won't like this but it will help you feel better ok mommy? ?blink the eyedrops out but don't rub ok mommy?" And then snuggled with Kori and fell asleep holding her hand.
Kori had a good night.
Tune in next time to see Kori having a FULL DAY OFF for the first time since giving birth to Bryan 16months ago.... will she sleep? ?Will Brett snap and give the kids to gypsies??
Re: My Strange Children, evening episode