Hi! I'm a long time lurker and don't post much, but I'm getting concerned about DS and wanted to see what your experiences have been.
A little background: DS was born at 34w 5d due to pPROM, weighed 5lb15oz and was in the NICU for 8 days (CPAP for a few hours, bili lights for jaundice, but basically a feeder/grower). He hasn't had any problems with his health, other than a dairy allergy, and has been growing like a weed! He's now almost 8 months old (about 6 1/2 adjusted) and weighs 18lbs.
While he's been doing great otherwise, he's pretty delayed in his gross motor skills. EI has been coming monthly and working with him, and he has been getting stronger, but he's still not rolling over or sitting unassisted (when we let go, he folds into his lap) His fine motor skills seem great - he holds his own bottle and can even get a puff into his mouth every once in a while.
I guess I'm just worried because he seems to be doing so well everywhere else, but is having a hard time with these milestones. No one IRL knows how I'm feeling, and constantly makes comments like "he should be rolling by now!" or "is he crawling yet?" I know better than to compare him to other babies, but it's hard to see him struggle so much and not be able to help him figure it out while all the other kiddos at daycare sit and roll with ease.
Anyone have similar experiences? Thanks so much for reading this! I just had to get it off my chest.
Re: Worried about DS
A 34 week preemie is so tricky. ?Mostly because after the first couple of months they don't necessarily "look" premature anymore so expectations for them are the same as a baby born at 40 weeks. ?
I had a similar experience with my Claire. ?By 7-8 months of age she blended right in with other babies her age, until it came time for any gross motor milestones. ?She didn't roll, sit up, crawl, bear weight on legs, or stand anywhere near the time other babies her age did. ?And since she didn't look like her gestational age, it was always very surprising to others who met her and in turn, made me a worried, paranoid wreck. ?The good thing is that you have a professional working with him already. ?If there were any muscle tone or other physical concerns that person would have picked up on that already. ?In my experience, Claire didn't do things at her actual age or even her adjusted age, she just did them in her own time. ?(Crawled at 11 months, walked at 18 months....) ?When I look back now it was obvious that she was working on other skills during those earlier months. ?(Knew almost all letters by 16 months...could feed herself, etc.) ?At almost 3 years of age it is still in her nature to take the easy road first, and fight anything that seems "hard" to her.
So to make a long story short (too late!), make your concerns to EI known, but keep in mind that the range of "normal" is very broad and when dealing with a preemie, it becomes even tougher to pin down. ?Good luck!?
DS just started sitting up well this week (we got him a bunch of toys that kept him more upright, which helped strengthen his core after he got the hang of it). he is 8 months today and was born at 32w6d, so i would say he's pretty close to right where your DS is adjusted.
it's hard keeping in mind that they are still adjusted. DS looks like a very long 8 month old, but is functioning at a little ahead of the 6 month level. my nephew, who was born the day before DS's due date, is already crawling. it is hard, but i figure he'll get there eventually.
hang in there!
Good work on getting him evaluated - they'll give you good tips for practicing at home - things so easy, but you may never have thought of them yourself.
My DS was on the late end of most motor skills, but is pretty much caught up now at one year...that being said, he's not walking - but he's still got time before I'll be concerned. He didn't even crawl until two weeks before his birthday.
I have a really hard time not comparing him to kids his age - it's impossible for me even though I know I shouldn't - preemie or not, kids develop on their own...it's just hard not to compare.
GL! Hang in there - you're doing the best for your LO!
It's the same way with DS. He was born at 32 weeks and also a feeder/grower. We were doing EI every week from 2 mos.- 7 mos. Like your DS, he has been gaining weight like a champ (at least 20lbs now) but doesn't roll and can't fully sit on his own, except for brief periods, like a few seconds. Our PT didn't seem concerned when I brought this issue up, since she felt there were improvements every week.
DS has only rolled by himself once or twice, but that's it. He will do whatever he can to avoid rolling. I'm chalking it up to a lack of interest on his part, at least for now.
I do have a friend who's full-term baby skipped rolling all together. He is now 2.5 years and perfectly normal.