Until now, BIL and SIL were guardians for DD. We deliberated a lot on this, and they agreed to do it. They do not have kids, never will. We picked them over my sister because they are more driven. And, well, my sister is lazy.
FF to Saturday. Long story short, BIL is the most stubborn, chauvanistic butthole. I refuse to allow DD to be raised in an environment where waiting on your DH is expected and required. The man refuses to eat yellow tomatoes because....they are yellow. He is 40 years old, FFS. His wife got up, removed it from his plate, put a red one on. I would have told him to get it himself and grow the F up.
DH says my sister is NOT an option. Well, his bro is NOT an option. That leaves us with. His BFF and wife (whom I LOVE). But I'd much rather see her w/ my family. At least she'd live in a democracy and not a communist dictatorship.
What did you do if you disagreed on guardianship of your DC's??
Re: Assohilo BIL-DH and I disagree on guardians for DD-WWYD??
I'd have flung the red one at his head and made him eat the yellow one anyway. Or, for godsakes, just not eat it & leave it on the plate.
But err, well, we have no guardians set up for the kids yet because we have issues with everyone. We had people picked, (my bffs) but now they're unstable in so many ways it's just... gah.
I would go with the neutral party - the BFF and wife, esp. if you think it would be better for the kid/s.
Liam is 5!
First of all, I absolutely adore your sig pic and will be heartbroken if you ever change it.
Secondly, this is not a minor issue (see my post above, re: DN breaking my heart). Part of the reason DH and I were chosen to be DN's guardians, even though we're not biologically related, is because we would provide equal-time family visits between DN's mom's family and her Dad.