Web tv makes you look huge. Seriously. I?m not one of those ?Oh, I?m so fat? people, but I just had to edit a tv interview I did and holycrap, I?m livin large.
I also realized that I do have an accent (never thought I did) and I speak very quickly. Oy.
Re: wow so I thought TV made you look fat
you do, although not sure what kind.
I do too, not sure what mine is either.
What happened to the blog thingy over the weekend?
xb from the videos you've posted, Brooklyn accent. But it's mild, like you've been out for a while. (sorry, the language nerd in me just popped out)
happ I saw the headshots you posted. You are NOT livin' large. And ffs woman you have a chef for a DH. A bit of padding is to be expected. so :-p
X has an accent that's mostly bkln, but also someone who knows another language.
mine's kinda like that--a weird ny accent twinged with immigrant, lol.
And kori--I'm not livin large per se, the buhbees are. Buhbees.
Well I'll take Bklyn over SI...lol
Happ you look awesome. Shut up.