
What's the easiest way to convert RAW images to jpeg?

I don't have much time to dedicate to figuring it out, but I don't want them in RAW and accidentally shot them that way.  TIA yo!
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Re: What's the easiest way to convert RAW images to jpeg?

  • I believe, and I am no expert, that you need a program that opens RAW files and then you can 'Save As' a jpg from there.
  • Do you have Photoshop?  Elements or CS??  Anyway, if you have Photoshop can you open PS and go to Browse in Bridge?  If you can get Adobe Bridge open, find the images.  Highlight all the images ("select all") and go to Tools -> Photoshop -> Image Processor.  A window will pop up in Photoshop.  Leave (1) blank, select "Same Location" for (2) and "Save As Jpeg" for (3).  It'll batch them and put them in a folder named jpeg inside the folder your RAW images are in.  Sounds complicated, but it's totally easy when you do it and it'll batch all of them at the same time. 
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