My DS has been pooping and peeing on the potty for about a month now. He is now 20 months.
I keep him in diapers and when we are home I keep him naked. We have one potty down stairs which he uses no prob, but he will also go in a reg. toilet. He goes poop 1x a few times he has gone 2x in a day and pees 1- 2x's per day. So really he just goes when he is home or if he is at his grammys. That said he will still poop in his crib in the am and he has peed on the floor several times.
My question is how would you proceed with this. I don't think that he is ready for underware say outside the house. Or to be fully PT'ed. My thought is to just let nature take it's course... and let him do his thing but on the other hand I don't want all his progress to slip by???