
iPod Nano questions ~ re: getting started

I have Apple or iPod nothing on my computer already so I"m downloading the iTunes software.  There's also something else I need to do with an Apple site or an iPod site regarding a subscription to load music, iTunes I guess, but the site itself looks weird, like it's not a real site, if that makes any sense. 

Does anyone else have a subscription to iTunes and what does it entail exactly?  Just as simple as not having to pay per download?  

Re: iPod Nano questions ~ re: getting started

  • So I guess I can't download anything - says I need a newer version of windows installer. 

    WTF is windows installer?  A CD, something from the Microsoft website?

  • Try microsoft's website for the installer? As for  the I -pod, I- tunes is Apple's store where you can buy music from. I use that site.
    Julian David 8/7/06 and Isabella Mia 5/14/09
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