there IS a guy on our local board...but he talks like a guy, his screen name is something ONLY a guy would pick (something dirty), and he adds a guy perspective to the conversation....I don't think there is ANY doubt in ANYONE'S mind that he's a guy...his wife is also on the board, and honestly, I think everyone was creeped at first, but now, its interesting when he adds something to a post.
But, yeah, I doubted ollyfollydad from the beginning. NO way. and the "timing" is just weird.
Seriously, if my husband was pussyenough to create a SN and post things on a message board, especially the working mom board one, I would kick his pansy ass to the curb.
Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams
well i thought this would work out but it seems everyone is right. ALL of you are crazy and obviously not here for your kids. Instead you come on here cause your lives are boring and you more than likely hate your husbands. But i wouldnt worry about them seeing how they are for sure getting "love" from someone else. and by that i mean plowing his way through your friends or someone you might know. So this message bored indeed proves the stereotype of women. You want all the respect in the world without giving any back. And half of you seem like shitty moms anyway. there are only a select few on here that seem to know what they are doing. sooooo im gonna stop posting and cancel my account or just move to that secret board where all the other moms go to get away from the rest of the prozac and zoloft takers. Thanks everyone. you just made me realize just how perfect my wife and kids are. And to the moms that personally messaged me, thank you as well for all the help and being productive about everything.
there are 600 views to that post and only one reply, lol. I thought he said his wife used to be on the board a year ago, that she wasn't a regular so that's why we wouldn't know her. So why would she suddenly be checking the working moms board while she's at work?
if you must know, my wife is Mattysgirl716 or just mattysgirl and she has been a member since jun 2006. if you dont belive check it out and leave her some comments and prove yourself right.
I do not have anything against a "man" on the I said, the man on my local board provides some male perspective sometimes that is nice. He also is almost "protective" of the local nesties and provides safety tips and "hey did you girls see this, watch out" type posts sometimes. He wasn't well recieved at first, but I think **most** of the girls like him. he definately isn't rude, stays out of drama and now that his wife is pregnant, I can see him coming here from time to time (hi SIIHPAPP)....
That said....follyolly's posts are just weird...not things even my DH who is involved 100% with the kids would ask....he'd ask ME those things. (then I'd come here...hahaha).
The bad lying "my wife hasn't been here ina year" followed by "hi wifey" plus the "beautiful sons" comment just don't jive with what a man would discuss...or even the constipation just doesn't add up and reminds me of whoever the bad liar was LAST week..newbie????
sorry im involved with my kids lives. and my wife thinks its cute that im here. and the reason why she doesnt post is because all of you think your're super moms (which you are not). PLus she told me you all were mean spirited. which once again... continuing the stereotype of women. and i did not start any drama, everything i post gets ugly.
PSA Follyolly--you can't come here and expect everyone to be your nestie bestie....have you lurked on the board AT ALL before all this posting??? If you are legit Then lurk awhile...and then start by responding to other peoples questions....THEN start posting more about who you are...
Coming in day one and saying "I'm so and so, father of so and so, wife of so and so, and I'm here to be a good dad." just rings a bit fishy.
Also....if you REALLY are new...then maybe you should be warned that we have had MANY phonies here so the girls are going to be a bit wary....we've had people lying about dying babies, people lying about other stuff and people invading personal lives..emailing our DH's, employers, prospective employers, how can we NOT be wary of a "newbie" who comes and then gets his panties in a wad over us being a bit suspicious.....
Unwad your panties (if you are real), calm down, refrain from insulting us your 2nd day and maybe you will find that people on here are actually pretty loyal friends and have great parenting advice....
sorry im involved with my kids lives. and my wife thinks its cute that im here.
THIS is the type of girly, panties in a wad statement that makes you NOT's very pouty, tempertantrum-ish and wah wah....
My DH would probably be like "that's don't have to believe me...I'll go back to lurking." (IF he were to ever come here)...not pout like a little girl.....
see how crazy you all are, you actually lie about dying babies, and email ppls places of employment? maybe men should stay of this site. and for the record i didnt start the insults you did
I don't think the examples you are siting are something that "we all do"...not even close. I, for one, have never lied about dying babies or emailed someone's place of employment.
I generally stay out of the drama these days, but you do seem to be leaning a little to the wacky side.
I don't think the examples you are siting are something that "we all do"...not even close. I, for one, have never lied about dying babies or emailed someone's place of employment.
I generally stay out of the drama these days, but you do seem to be leaning a little to the wacky side.
I'm on team mamaB today....what she said.
Plus---WHERETHEFVCK did I insult you follyollydad???? WHERE...You JUSt called ALL of us crazy....NOT NICE.
I do not have anything against a "man" on the I said, the man on my local board provides some male perspective sometimes that is nice. He also is almost "protective" of the local nesties and provides safety tips and "hey did you girls see this, watch out" type posts sometimes. He wasn't well recieved at first, but I think **most** of the girls like him. he definately isn't rude, stays out of drama and now that his wife is pregnant, I can see him coming here from time to time (hi SIIHPAPP)....
I like SIIHPAPP. He posts on the Politics board too.
Re: The dad nestie thing is weird
Seriously. There is something *off* with all those posts.
Agreed. I think it is BM. or her husband
there IS a guy on our local board...but he talks like a guy, his screen name is something ONLY a guy would pick (something dirty), and he adds a guy perspective to the conversation....I don't think there is ANY doubt in ANYONE'S mind that he's a guy...his wife is also on the board, and honestly, I think everyone was creeped at first, but now, its interesting when he adds something to a post.
But, yeah, I doubted ollyfollydad from the beginning. NO way. and the "timing" is just weird.
Did you see "his" post on the working moms board?
I'd say something is up.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Exactly. "He" totally sounds like someone our resident Sybil would come out as.
LOL at Sybil.
Seriously, if my husband was pussyenough to create a SN and post things on a message board, especially the working mom board one, I would kick his pansy ass to the curb.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
I do not have anything against a "man" on the I said, the man on my local board provides some male perspective sometimes that is nice. He also is almost "protective" of the local nesties and provides safety tips and "hey did you girls see this, watch out" type posts sometimes. He wasn't well recieved at first, but I think **most** of the girls like him. he definately isn't rude, stays out of drama and now that his wife is pregnant, I can see him coming here from time to time (hi SIIHPAPP)....
That said....follyolly's posts are just weird...not things even my DH who is involved 100% with the kids would ask....he'd ask ME those things. (then I'd come here...hahaha).
The bad lying "my wife hasn't been here ina year" followed by "hi wifey" plus the "beautiful sons" comment just don't jive with what a man would discuss...or even the constipation just doesn't add up and reminds me of whoever the bad liar was LAST week..newbie????
sorry im involved with my kids lives. and my wife thinks its cute that im here. and the reason why she doesnt post is because all of you think your're super moms (which you are not). PLus she told me you all were mean spirited. which once again... continuing the stereotype of women. and i did not start any drama, everything i post gets ugly.
PSA Follyolly--you can't come here and expect everyone to be your nestie bestie....have you lurked on the board AT ALL before all this posting??? If you are legit
Then lurk awhile...and then start by responding to other peoples questions....THEN start posting more about who you are...
Coming in day one and saying "I'm so and so, father of so and so, wife of so and so, and I'm here to be a good dad." just rings a bit fishy.
Also....if you REALLY are new...then maybe you should be warned that we have had MANY phonies here so the girls are going to be a bit wary....we've had people lying about dying babies, people lying about other stuff and people invading personal lives..emailing our DH's, employers, prospective employers, how can we NOT be wary of a "newbie" who comes and then gets his panties in a wad over us being a bit suspicious.....
Unwad your panties (if you are real), calm down, refrain from insulting us your 2nd day and maybe you will find that people on here are actually pretty loyal friends and have great parenting advice....
THIS is the type of girly, panties in a wad statement that makes you NOT's very pouty, tempertantrum-ish and wah wah....
My DH would probably be like "that's don't have to believe me...I'll go back to lurking." (IF he were to ever come here)...not pout like a little girl.....
Are you PMSing?????
I am, in fact, Super Mom.
Better recognize.
And THIS...thank you mamaB....I agree...we ALL ARE super mom's!!!! (and we all are married to superDad'
I don't think the examples you are siting are something that "we all do"...not even close. I, for one, have never lied about dying babies or emailed someone's place of employment.
I generally stay out of the drama these days, but you do seem to be leaning a little to the wacky side.
I'm on team mamaB today....what she said.
Plus---WHERETHEFVCK did I insult you follyollydad???? WHERE...You JUSt called ALL of us crazy....NOT NICE.
Since when do guys say "too cute"?
Must know.
I must be really bored...I usually REALLY don't care about this stuff. LOL.
You have to tell! ?You just have to! Or at least PM me. ??
I like SIIHPAPP. He posts on the Politics board too.