
Moms of 2 or more: when do you workout?

I am having a really hard time working exercise back into my routine since DS#2 was born back in February. I used to be pretty good about exercising every day before DS#1 woke up when it was just him. It just seems so much harder these days to fit it in.?

When do you workout? Is it a regular part of your routine, or just when you can fit it in?

Also - do you work out on your own, or do you incorporate your kids? I'm thinking I might have to start taking regular walks with the kids or something, but I'm not sure how well that's going to work, since my 3 y.o. doesn't really stay put on our sit and stand.

In any case - any ideas are welcome.

Re: Moms of 2 or more: when do you workout?

  • I joined a gym with a daycare... AWESOME
  • Gooooood question. I know I could do it at night after the kids go to bed (about 8 p.m. or so) but I just need to get my ass off the couch and do it. I just walk/run and do yoga at home. No money for a gym membership.
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  • Gym with a daycare.  I'll run when MH can watch the girls.  Yesterday I took them to the park and while they played, I did lunges (holding a 15 lb baby) and step-ups on the park bench.  Totally lame, but it was the only workout I could get in.
  • Gym with a daycare. Today we did not make it there, so when we were done grocery shopping I told MH i would just run home from the store. We do that more often now that we have two. If we are running an errand or something, one of us will wear our work out clothes and run home. Sort of weird, but it works for us.
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  • The only working out I do, honestly, is going for walks with the two of them (and sometimes DH).  Both boys plus the double stroller = me pushing over 80lbs so I figure that's something.  Oh and my other workout is carrying both of them when Ian feels that he needs the same treatment Max gets. :)

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  • Most times I do it while they are asleep for the afternoon nap. Sometimes I do it while they are awake but I know my workout isn't that great because they are "in the way" or wanting to get on me while I shred.
    Blake 04/29/05 Will 06/12/07 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagesooosie:

    The only working out I do, honestly, is going for walks with the two of them (and sometimes DH).  Both boys plus the double stroller = me pushing over 80lbs so I figure that's something.  Oh and my other workout is carrying both of them when Ian feels that he needs the same treatment Max gets. :)

     I was just thinking about this yesterday. I have a the sit-n-stand, which is probably 20 lbs itself.  And all 3 girls ride in it.  So my 15lb, 29 lb, and 40lbs.  That's pushing a lot of weight!  It's hard work!

  • I have 3 kids but this is my plan for the Fall...

    2 days a week walk the 1.5mile each way to pick up DD from school w/ the younger girls in the stroller & DD#1 riding her scooter or bike back (that we would drop at the school w/ her in the morning).

    3 days a week drop DD#1 off at school at 8am & then go to the YMCA & work out while the younger 2 are in the childcare.

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  • Ellie goes to bed around 7pm now, which is the time DH does bathtime with Keira, so that's when I've started going out to run.  (I've done it twice now, so it's not like I can claim it's my routine yet!)  It's nice...the weather has cooled but it's not dark yet, and blasting music on my iPod and being alone after a long day feels good.  We don't have money for a gym membership right now, and even if we did, K's kind of clingy these days and wouldn't like being left somewhere alone...and I think E is too young for that.
  • When I just had two kids, I jogged with them in the double jogging stroller.  Last summer we got into a great routine where we went out three mornings a week.  By the time the weather was too cold for that, I was too pregnant to jog anyway, so I gave it up until after Thomas was born.  I've finally joined a gym with childcare.  
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