DH and I talked TTC while we were in Spain. I think we're going to try one more IUI and then move onto IVF. My insurance will pay for 4 IVF attempts, so I think that's going to be our limit.
I'm nervous and excited, but mostly, I just feel better knowing that we have agreed upon a plan. Even if we don't get KU, it's nice knowing there's a light at the end of the tunnel. (Light = no more drugs!)
Re: Game Plan
Good for you, and great that they will pay for the IVF. But in the meantime, Gl with the IUI.
Will that be this cycle?
Sounds like a good plan to me.
My insurance also pays for 4 IVF attempts (must be an IL thing), but there is a chance that my insurance may change and then I would have no fertility coverage. One more reason I want to get this show on the road already.
Light for me = no more 2-3 day wait. It isn't the 2ww that kills me, but the last 2-3 days before AF arrives. Seriously drives me insane.
Good luck with the IUI!!
It's always good to have an plan.
Right now were trying to figure out our ins for next year and how much they will cover and how much will be OOP. I guess our plan is still "in progress"... But it does fell good to know that at least *some* of it will be covered.
That's the absolute worst time for me as well.
Sounds like a good plan. I too am jealous of your insurance. No IVF coverage here in PA.
Good luck and I hope you get your BPF soon!
That is awesome that you have IVF coverage! Being OOP sucks.
Well here's hoping that you don't need the IVF coverage and you get a BFP with your next IUI. Good luck!!!
I think the coverage might be mandated by law in Illinois, but I'm not sure. I think someone told me that, but I can't remember who.
I'll do the IUI next cycle. I'm about mid-cycle right now, so pretty soon!