not gonna lie, i had to google it, didn't recognize the name. sad since i'm in nursing school . i know the generic name, just didn't recognize the trade.
Gravol....hmmmm.....that is odd that your doctor would say that it is ok. I thought about taking some while on vacation and it says right on the package do not take if pregnant. So I didn't. Weird.
Gravol is basically an antihistamine, which is the main ingredient in Diclectin (medication prescribed in Canada for NVP) I checked the Mother Risk website which has a GREAT list of safe and unsafe medications, foods etc and Gravol was safe. I decided to go to bed and not take it and luckily I fell asleep and slept 10.5 hours. I'm still vomiting at least once per day, mostly in the evening...ARG!
Re: Gravol for occasional relief of nausea?
Me! It works occasionally though.
um... you do realize that unisom and benadryl are the same thing, right