
Pump & Dump - Yay or Nay?

I am planning my first drink tonight since finding out I was pregnant.  I only plan on having 1, maybe 2 at most depending how I feel after the first one.  I have read on multiple websites that it is not necessary to pump and dump because the alcohol moves out of your breastmilk in the same fashion it does through your blood...with the passing of time.

It makes me feel guilty to not pump and then dump but, if it's not necessary, I don't want to do it because I don't want to carry my pump with me tonight.

What do you ladies do about the pump/dump situation if you only have 1 or 2 drinks right after feeding your LO?

Re: Pump & Dump - Yay or Nay?

  • I just wait a couple hours to feed him again.  If he's hungry before that we will give him a bottle of pumped milk.  The only reason to pump and dump is if you feel physically uncomfortable and need to relieve the pressure, otherwise it won't get the alcohol out of your system any faster. Does that make sense? 
  • No, you don't need to, as long as you no longer feel the effects of the alcohol at the time you nurse your LO.  If you have a drink with a meal right after nursing, then don't nurse for a few hours, your milk is fine for your LO.

    For me, one drink was plenty at that point, having gone so long with no alcohol!

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  • No I don't think you need to pump and dump. Just wait a couple hours to feed your LO
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  • I heard if you wait 2 hours after you finished the drink to BF or pump then it's okay.  Any sooner and I would dump if it's 2. If it's 1 I don't worry about it.
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  • enjoy. no need to dump.
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  • I went out for my birthday and couldn't wait to have one drink since I was pregnant!! I didn't pump and dump. I was out a coupld of hours before I went home and breastfed again.
  • Not only do I not pump and dump, I have occasionally spiked my own pre-bedtime chocolate milk in the hopes that alcohol in breastmilk will make a baby tortured by his molars fall asleep.  Or, at the very least, that the teeny little buzz I get from a shot of Bailey's will make me not mind the fussing quite so much.

    IMO, you can certainly have one or two drinks on your birthday without pumping and dumping, or worrying about alcohol getting to the baby.

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