You know who is growing on me?? Jesse...I HATED him the first time he was on, but sort of would like to rub his muscles this time around.
Ronnie-weasel...he annoys the crap out of me. And I was nerdy in highschool, but he is OVER the top....
Michele--love her
Natalie--annoying as heck....I still don't understand why she lied at the beginning saying she was 18 or whatever...and do they know yet she ISN'T 18???
Kevin--funnyyyy...wish he had more one liners
Jordon and Jeff-weird couple....Jordon reminds me of Britney spears. Jeff is ok...sort of dumb...
I got my pop singers mixed up...she doesn't remind me of britney spears...Jessica simpson is who she reminds me of. Stupidity annoys me "I can't tell if someone says quarter til, I don't know what that means." It hurts my brain to listen to her.
I hope Ronnie doesn't win....but you are right, its always who everyone hates the most in the beginning who wins.....boooooooo!
Re: BB ladies, who got HOH?
Oh, but that could be good. He's growing on me.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
You know who is growing on me?? Jesse...I HATED him the first time he was on, but sort of would like to rub his muscles this time around.
Ronnie-weasel...he annoys the crap out of me. And I was nerdy in highschool, but he is OVER the top....
Michele--love her
Natalie--annoying as heck....I still don't understand why she lied at the beginning saying she was 18 or whatever...and do they know yet she ISN'T 18???
Kevin--funnyyyy...wish he had more one liners
Jordon and Jeff-weird couple....Jordon reminds me of Britney spears. Jeff is ok...sort of dumb...
Jesse is a super douche. So is Natalie.
I am Team Jeff. I love him. And he's hot.
M loves Lydia.
But none of this matters seeing has how Ronnie will win the thing. Just watch.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
I agree. But not sure Ronnie will win. He has enough haters. I love Jordan too, even though she is kinda dumb.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
I got my pop singers mixed up...she doesn't remind me of britney spears...Jessica simpson is who she reminds me of. Stupidity annoys me "I can't tell if someone says quarter til, I don't know what that means." It hurts my brain to listen to her.
I hope Ronnie doesn't win....but you are right, its always who everyone hates the most in the beginning who wins.....boooooooo!