
Pump vs Breast

I know that they say breast pumps are not NEARLY as efficient/effective as baby nursing - but I STILL only get 15-30ml per pumping session (baby is still in the nicu til Sunday).  However - he can nurse for 30 minutes and SEEMS to be eating the entire time (there is milk in the nipple shield even after I pull him off). 

 The doctor ordered that we don't need to supplement if he nurses well - but he's eating about 60ml from a bottle at each feeding if I'm not there to nurse.  So - could my body REALLY be producing enough to feed him when he's nursing even though it's SO low when pumping?

Re: Pump vs Breast

  • It absolutely can.  Baby is way more efficient at getting milk from the breast than even the very best pump.  Also, some women just have a harder time pumping... so don't take the amount of milk you get when you pump as an accurate indicator of how much milk you're actually producing.
  • Yep. Just make sure to either pump or nurse diligently VERY often- like every 2 hours around the clock to establish your supply.
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  • You might want to do a pre and post feeding weight check to get an accurate measurement of how much BM your little one is taking in.  That could give you a bit of peace of mind about your supply.
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