Soooo we've been dealing with J's hospital costs for 5 months now. I was covered at that hospital, but J was not. (J's under MH's plan, I'm on my own plan because I HAVE to carry the health insurance my company offers).
Anywho after going back and forth with insurance and MH's HR (who told us J would be covered) it's settled. We pay out of pocket for everything Jack related. Fine. Sucks, but what can we do right? So MH calls the hospital to settle up the bill. The rep he gets starts asking questions about insurance, payment plans, yada, yada. Come to find out if we had no insurance our bill would be cut in half. MH asks if there is a discount for paying in full...nope. Awesome.
Re: Yes sir, I am pissed about this.
MH made this point. The rep said no go because we have insurance, just not the right insurance.