
It has officially become hard!

DS1 is in school during the week, so for the past 6 weeks it has just been the twins at home to take care of  - and they have been really easy.

Well, not the past few days.  Grayson has decided to fight every feeding- crying and screaming... it's so frustrating and upsetting. We're seeing the pedi later today - i'm praying he can figure it out.

yesterday by the time DH got home i wanted to burst out into tears- but held it together.  Today -more of the same... while trying to feed both babies at the same time- Gray is screaming, and then Gibby pukes all over himself, Grayson AND me - lovely.  Thankfully it was right before bath time!

so now they WERE sleeping quitely- and just began screaming... What happened to my good babies??? i hope this is a short lived phase!

Thank God Griffin is in school all day... I would truly lose it if I was also dealing with his terrible 2 defiance that has cropped up in the past couple weeks + 2 screaming/puking babies!

Re: It has officially become hard!

  • Sorry to hear your struggles. Hoping that their visit to the peri will be good today and perhaps the dr. can help figure something out, too!

    Hoping that this is just a quick phase for them and that you get more peaceful babies soon!!

    Hang in there--you're doing a GREAT job with them!! Hugs!

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  • Have the Pedi consider reflux, or a milk protein allergy, or some combination thereof just as something to look at. ?He's about the right age for symptoms to start up, and the same thing happened for us. ?We ended up at a Pedi GI specialist for DD, and it made all the difference. ?
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  • imagegrrlygirl:
    Have the Pedi consider reflux, or a milk protein allergy, or some combination thereof just as something to look at.  He's about the right age for symptoms to start up, and the same thing happened for us.  We ended up at a Pedi GI specialist for DD, and it made all the difference.

    This is almost exactly what I was going to type.  6 weeks to the day was when my DD was hospitalized for a "seizure" (stupid doctor) that turned out to be a major reflux episode.  It's also the time that my DS developed eczema as a reaction to his milk protein allergy.  6 weeks was a HORRIBLE time for us too, but it will get better. 

    Good luck!

  • 6 wks was really hard!  I still have bad days, but it seems better than they were even 2 wks ago!  Maybe it's because I'm getting more sleep at night?  I'm averaging 6 hours a that's in increments, but I was only getting about 4.  They've also started to take a morning nap at the same time, which is amazing.  One or both of them are up most of the afternoon, they just cat nap.  The evening is the worst.  Payton screams until she falls asleep.  Parker just wants to be held.  I'm still sleeping on the couch, but I finally have Payton sleeping in a co-sleeper, next I need to get Parker in the Pack n Play, so I can actually sleep in my bed again!!  I can't wait!!

  • The honeymoon is officially over. Our reflux issues started about 6-8 weeks.. grr.
  • I've got to six weeks it started to get hard for me and I hit the wall at eight weeks.  I think it's a common time for a melt down.  The adrenaline has worn off, you are sleep deprived and the babies are awake more.  Can a friend or relative come stay for a few days to help you out? 

    My mom always said that moms need help a few weeks after a new baby is born not right when she comes home from the hospital.  I think my mom was on to something.  Wink


    My twins are 5! My baby is 3!

    DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi

    DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame

  • Oh, that is a lot going on!  I hope this was just a short little phase and your babies will be back to themselves very soon.  (hugs)
  • Hang in there babe!!! You can do it Smile
    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
  • Fussiness does peak at 6 weeks from the due date so it sounds like you're in the super-fussy period. (And Grayson really does remind me of how Will was before we got him on Zantac.) Hang in there; hopefully it will be better again soon!
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • thanks everyone!

    I don't remember Griffin going through this... or maybe I do - now that i think about it - i do remember a couple weeks that i was sure he needed reflux meds- but then it went away.... he never refused to eat though, he just puked a lot... it's amazing how quickly you forget :)

    thankfully they are sleeping more now - they only wake once at night - around 3-4am, eat and go back down. I know we're fortunate to have fairly decent sleep (thank you Baby Wise!!)... hoping they STTN at 8w just like Griffin did - that would be nice!

    thanks for letting me know i'm not alone!! :)

  • KMB7KMB7 member

    Sounds like my two. That is when they were dxed with Reflux.


    They did much better after reflux medicine and sleeping elevated.



    TTC since 7/06, found out about PCOS on 8/31/06 Dec.2007~ Metformin 1500mg, prenatals, Femara 2.5mg)(cd3-7), Gonal F 100iu(cd5-?) and Ovidrel with TI. DH~ antibiotics to improve motility (cd1-10)
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  • imageEverAfterinMi:
    The honeymoon is officially over. Our reflux issues started about 6-8 weeks.. grr.

    Exactly what I was going to say.  This is when it got hard for us.  Hang in there, it's gets better eventually!

  • we saw the pedi today (was supposed to see him yesterday - big mix up on my part and i went to the wrong office- duh).

    he agreed with me that it was silent reflux and told me to keep him on prevacid (I had been giving it to him since Friday and this morning he just stated to seem better... right about the time that prevacid would have made the difference).  So far so good today - he's been back to normal. whew!!!

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