I've already flushed my FMU down the toilet but, I am now feeling like maybe I should have tested. This is my first month on clomid and usually my cycles are 27-28 days. I made the mistake this month testing early and so I am pretty pessimistic that I am PG just think that clomid is making things late this month.
Re: CD 30, no AF do I test?
Hi, MDBeach.
If you POAS now and it's negative (hope not!), would you think it was because it wasn't FMU, and want to test again in the morning to confirm?
If that sounds like you, I would try to wait until the morning and test then, if there's no sign of The Evil One.
Sorry about the BFN
You could still be in the game - maybe you Oed late and since it wasnt FMU it didnt register on the test. Good luck hon.