Nurseries and Baby Gear

espresso or white crib with this bedding....

Confetti Boy Bedding by Bananafish

I am going to order this bedding for our little boy's room tonight, we are doing a beach/surfboard theme and I am wondering....I REALLY had my heart set on dark espresso furniture with kahki walls and a green glider, but now am wondering if I should go with white furniture.  My goal is to get everything ordered by this weekend.  I have the crib picked out, now i just have to decide color!!  Any help is appreciated!  I just feel like dark wood is more boyish and can grow with him..

If we had a girl next, I guess I could use white for her and get him a big boy bed that is dark for him to grow with???  I just can't decide and would love any input!!

Re: espresso or white crib with this bedding....

  • I'm in love with Dark wood!!  I think it would go great with that bedding; however, I don't think kahki walls would IMO.  Good luck with the decision!!!  Oh, by the way, I think dark wood would look good in a girls room too, so you can get use out of it either way!
  • i would deff do dark wood seems like everything is dark wood these days! and girls room would look good with dark wood also.
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  • Thanks...I have been searching for a nuetral blue and lime greenish bedding that wasn't 500:( for a few weeks so I am going to jump on this has been discontinued and there is a limited amount left:(  I really like it from the looks and even saw a swatch at the baby store yesterday.. 

    I figure I can always return it if I find something else in the meantime or I don't like it when it gets here...I just want NUETRAL and everything I am seeing has bears and other animals on it, which will make it hard to match with surfboards..this seems to be the best of what I can find out there...THANKS!!!

    ps....I really would even love the walls in a beachy green, but DH says that is too girly:(  maybe I can talk him into it...haha

  • I like white. But that bedding would look good with both colors. I think it depends on how big and bright the nursery is. I think dark wood can really darken a small space.
  • With the theme you're doing I think white would look best.
  • I would do dark wood I like it better!
  • I think that dark wood grows more with a boy. ?While white is cute for an infant, it looks more girly later. ?
  • imagewhitdog23:
    I think that dark wood grows more with a boy.  While white is cute for an infant, it looks more girly later.


  • I think either or will work but I think the dark wood would make it look modern.
  • imagewhitdog23:
    I think that dark wood grows more with a boy.  While white is cute for an infant, it looks more girly later.

    ditto--that's why we went with dark wood for our nursery as well

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