Hi All,
I am currently pregnant with #2 so will have 2 under 2 for about a month later this year.
Our bedtime routine with DS would consist of bath, brushing teeth, story time and either DH or I rocking him for about 10-15 minutes. Sometimes when we put him down he is awake and other times he is asleep already. If he is awake he usually doesn't give us a hard time and goes right to sleep. DH and I talked about it last week and since we are going to move DS into his new room in the next month or 2 and we won't have a rocking chair in there we figured we should try to cut the rocking part out of the routine. Last night was the first night we did it and DS did okay but was clearly upset. He eventually fell asleep on his own and we only had to go in his room once to calm him down (we don't let him CIO) but when we went in he wanted to be picked up and rocked.
Has anyone else gone through this? If so, how did you handle it. I want to try to make the transition into his new room as smooth as possible. I figure the first step is to get him use to going to sleep without being rocked. I don't think we are going to put him in his big boy bed right away. We may put the crib in his room for a while and let him sleep in that. I feel like he isn't ready yet and I want to take this one step at a time and not throw his routine completey out of whack.
TIA for any advice.
Re: Hi and Question about rocking to sleep - Kind of long
I would keep doing what you are doing. Sticking with the new routine has always worked for us. At about 6 months old DD got this nasty habit of wanting to eat every time she wanted to sleep even when she didn't need too. It took us two nights of putting her down and going in every 5-10 mins once or twice and now she almost never gives us a problem.
As far as the bed I would master the no rocking first.
We are in this process. We don't do CIO either (long story). I have taken a more gradual approach to it. I still rock a little, I count the rocks. We are down to 15 rocks then she goes in the crib. We lay next to the crib for 2 minutes then leave. We are lowering rocks and time spent in the room very day.
This has been a better way for us because the crying and then checking in on her makes things much worse. DH does seem to spend more time with in her room than I do, he's a big softie. GL and hope it continues to go well for you.