DS bites. While nursing- probably once a week but he will bite my arm, shoulder, hand, knee... whatever is nearby... almost daily. He doesn't bite anyone but me.
I am not sure how to handle this. I usually just say "Ow, no biting" and leave him with DH for a few minutes while I leave the room. He usually gets pretty upset when I leave.
It is tough because the arm bites are leaving bruises on my arm and they really hurt. I am not quite sure how to reinforce that this is not kind behavior at this age. His pediatrician told me that I need to put him in a crib (we got rid of the crib, as it was never used) or something of that nature and leave him in the room to cry, which I am not comfortable with, obviously. She more or less said, "Well, that or deal with the biting".
Anyone else been through this? What did you do?
Re: Is your DC a biter?
Rated "L" For Life Blog
What a pathetic response from your pedi.
DD bites too, not aggressively per se, more out of pain from teething (I think?). I pull her away from my breast or whatever else she's biting & say it hurts me. If DH is here, I send her to be w/him for a minute. I would never make her CIO as punishment either. So if she does it again soon after the first round I usually give her a teether, cold washcloth, etc. b/c I assume she needs the sensory input in her mouth. When she has more teeth I'll probably get a motorized toothbrush. That's what I've used w/the older kids I've worked with (most have autism) & it seems to help if it's a sensory issue.
Kiddo has just started doing this - glad I'm not alone! He's only gotten me good while nursing once fortunately. Today he was crazy trying to gnaw on my shoulder, knee, arm, etc. I think it's his teeth though since right before his bottom ones broke through he was gumming me a lot while nursing.
So far I've just been giving him something else to chew on when it happens. When he nipped me while nursing, I "closed up shop" for a while and gave him something else to chew on.
Sucks that your pedi had that response :-(
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