
Anyone have their babies at 23 weeks?

My sil was pg with triplets. She had lost one  at 22 weeks and had the other 2 at 23 weeks. They both cried right away and are on ventilators and doing as well as expected so far. We got to see them in the nicu and were so tiny. They are 1 lb 3 oz. What can I do for them right now? It's going to be a long road ahead.....

Re: Anyone have their babies at 23 weeks?

  • I will keep them in my prayers.
  • They are a good size for triplets and GA. Did she have steroid shots to develop their lungs?

    There are a few 24 weekers on here.

    Here's a post on my blog on how to help a preemie parent.

    I'll pray for them!

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  • SMB's post has great suggestions.

    My daughter was born at 24 weeks and 3 days.  She weighed 14.8 ozs.   She is now 2 1/2 and doing pretty well (although she does have significant lung disease and is feeding tube dependent).  Her picture is below.   If your sister wants to email me with any questions, please give her my email address:

    I also have a blog devoted to preemie parenting with a number of articles on NICU related topics.

    I'll be keeping them in my thoughts and prayers.  It's a tough road ahead.

  • It will be a long road, but many 23 weekers do well.  The main thing that you can do is be there to listen and lend support.  Please make sure that you tell her congrats, that is something that many of us preemie moms miss out on.  If you are looking to do something monetary gift cards to restaurants around the hospital are nice, we spent alot of time in the hospital and would eat out somewhere near there when we couldn't be in the NICU.  Two blogs I read that are about 23 weekers are Kyle and Coy.  They are both over a year old and doing well now.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
  • i will keep them in my prayers.

    marino's mommy inspired me to make a list on my blog too...

    here's the post.

  • I recently had a 24 weeker at 1 lb ten oz.  I am glad to hear they cried and seem to be doing well.  I'm sorry for her (and your) loss.  In my case I really appreciate babysitting help (don't know if she has other kids) so that my dh and I can get to the hospital together on occasion, and phone calls for updates.  Best of Luck to all of you.
  • When my DD was in the NICU there was a baby who was born at 23w5d in there.  He was there a long time but did eventually come home.

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • A friend of mine had a 23 1/2 weeker several months ago.  He is adorable!  He came home 2 weeks after his due date and is still on oxygen at home but otherwise is doing really well.
  • They are in my prayers.
  • I lost a 21-weeker and I my second was a 27-weeker.  The best thing you can do for the babies right now is take care of your sil!  On my preemie blog I wrote a number of articles about how friends and family can help their loved one who has a preemie in the NICU.  Go to NICU Survival:  Family & Friends Please Help! to read about it.  

    I wish the best for your sil and her family and I hope you and your family will be very supportive.  Assume that she needs help even if she doesn't ask for it!

    I'm so glad you're looking for advice on how to help her.  Bless you. 

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