On July 16 at 8:00 a.m., I checked into the hospital for my planned c/s. ?DD was frank breech since 32 weeks and the c/s was scheduled at my 37 week appointment. ?After checking in, we were immediately shown to our room where I changed and was hooked up to a monitor. ?The nurse thought that DD had turned because she found her heartbeat near my pelvis. ?She had the doctor come in to do the u/s and we found that the baby was still breech, so we moved forward with the plan. ?The nurse hooked up my IV, I had blood drawn and then the wait began. ?I was SO nervous! ?The anesthesiologist came in and talked to me about how the spinal block would be administered and what to expect during the procedure. ?A little before 10:00 (the scheduled time for the procedure), the nurse came in and told me it was time to move into the OR.?DH and I walked in and everyone was very friendly and supportive. ?I was told to sit on the edge of the table and curve my back down. ?The anesthesiologist gave me a local numbing shot first (that burned like crazy!) and then put in the spinal block (which I didn't feel at all!). ?I was then laid down on the table and soon felt my legs start to go numb. ?The doctor started the procedure and while that was happening, the anesthesiologist kept me occupied by showing me goofy videos on his iPhone! ?It was actually a nice distraction! ?At 10:15, the doctor told DH it was time and DH was able to stand up and video tape our little girl being delivered (butt first, of course)! ?They quickly showed her to me and then whisked her away. ?Watching the video now, it is hard to believe I was conscious while the doctors were doing "that" to my body! ?I could feel the pressure (which wasn't bad at all), but absolutely no pain.Then came the longest 30 minutes of my life! ?DH went with DD to the recovery room while I was being sewn up. ?It took so much longer to put me back together ?then to take me apart! ?It was hard to lay there knowing that DH was with DD and I still didn't really know what she looked like! ?However, I was eventually taken to the recovery room and was reunited with DH and DD. ?By this time, the anesthesia had made me shake uncontrollably. ?In recovery, I was given demerol which helped me to immediately relax and allowed me to enjoy seeing my little girl across the room. ?I was in recovery for about 90 minutes before being moved to a post partum room. ?Recovery has gone surprisingly well. ?I was in the hospital for 3 days and I've stuck with the pain meds and got up and started moving around as soon as they told me to. ??DD is beautiful and healthy! ?She has no complications from being breech (such as hip dysplasia) and passed all of her other screenings with flying colors! ?We are completely in love with her! ?I had a bit of difficulty with BFing, so we met with a lactation consultant at the hospital who was fabulous! ?Things have been going very well since then!?Final facts: DD weighed 7lbs. 15oz. and was 20 inches long. ?We named her Elizabeth Maria and, if we use a nickname, it will be Eliza. ?So far, we have only been referring to her as Elizabeth. ?
Re: C/S due to breech