I have identical twin sons who are 7 months old.
I have started to notice recently that people seem to prefer one twin over the other. It bothers me and I don't know if I should address it, ignore it or what.
The baby they seem to prefer (not sure it this is good word to use) is younger of the twins Aidan. He has a chunkier face and smiles at the drop of the hat. He seems to have my personailty. He will cry, truth be told he is the fussier of the 2 babies.
My other son Connor is really a happy baby - but you have to work at getting him to smile sometimes. And he won't smile unless he knows you pretty well. This son also tends not to cry but rather scream. He seems to have my husbands personality.
It is starting to bother me. I have mentioned to one really good friend of mine who prefers the Aidan over Connor. She said that she assumed that since the Connor is the screamer he gets more attention then Aidan and she is just try to even it out. She watched the boys for me last week and has since seen a side of Aidan she never saw.
Do any of you twin mom have this issue, I am going to assume I am not the only one who see this.
How do you handle it or do you just let it go?
Re: Prefrence over twins
My father-in-law clearly prefers one of our twins, Allie over her sister Maddie -- Allie has his round face and light blue eyes and I think it's because he "sees himself" in her. She's also Ms. Personality and Maddie is a little more reserved, but a sweet baby and great cuddler. I try to emphasize that stuff with him, saying "Granddad, Maddie would love to cuddle with you!" to promote them spending quality time together.
I'm sure once the girls get older and are more able to interact with him, things will be different, but it is heartbreaking to see a clear preference, especially by a family member.
Our girls are fraternal twins and have very different personalities to boot, which I think makes them so much fun - they each have so many wonderful little things about them, and I think pointing that out to people helps them appreciate each of them!