It's Mad Monday ladies! Feel free to post vents, silly comments people
have made recently, or ridiculous stories that we can all relate to!
Even post little things that might bother you to get them off your
chest! Any responses should be flame free of course.
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Re: ~*~Mad Mondays!~*~
We took the babies to get their pics taken recently and a woman asked if they were born early. When I told her they were 8 weeks early, her response, "You must have been so happy you were probably really uncomfortable."
People are so clueless. Who in their right mind would be happy about premature babies, NICU stays etc? I did everything I could to keep them in for as long as possible. I wish I had a snappy comeback but I was to shocked to even respond. ?
Are you serious??? Someone actually said this? I would have been too shocked to respond too!!
Your SIL is in for a tough life lol
Poetic justice. Karma is probably punishing her for all the terrible things she said about your poor BIL!
that's just horrible!
We went to visit our friends from the NICU yesterday - they have triplets - I was amazing at how easy they made it look. I could never do it!!!
I think we found a great nanny for our son!
Mine probably sounds dumb, but I keep replaying it in my head and it's bugging me.
Robbie is starting daycare August 18th. He's going to an in-home daycare owned by my dad's girlfriend'(let's call her my step-mother)'s sister.
I LOVE her and while I wish we could afford for me to stay home permanently, we can't, and this is the best place in the world for him other than with me.
She's completely willing to deal with the G tube and never made a fuss about it at all. I was just there today showing them how to use the pump and she was just great.
BUT.. over the weekend, my step-mother asked about when he's starting etc. I told her and she looked really concerned and said "I was REALLY surprised she was willing to take that on." (Meaning the G-tube.)
Now, I realize you don't see kids with G tubes every day, but seriously, you plug a tube in, you plug a bag into the tube, you hit start. It's actually EASIER than feeding a baby by mouth because there's no mess, they don't fight. Sure, it takes an hour for it to run in, but some kids need you to hold their bottles for an hour.. with Robbie, you just turn it on and let him be.
But she acted like it was some HUGE deal.. I don't know. It just rubbed me really the wrong way. I know she has NO clue.. but it still just pissed me off. Like she was calling my kid a big burden or something.
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I secretly felt this way about one of DH's friends that kept asking me how I talked the doctors into delivering me so early. She went past her due date too & "just hated" being pregnant. She also asked for a c/s & got it (baby's head was too big to be fair). Then biitched about the super long incision. Not the brightest bulb...
Though we've had lots of positives over the last week with Jackson, his reflux seems to have gotten worse with the start of zantac. I called the pedi's office today and they promised to call me back with answers or a new prescription and here it is 4:40pm and no call back yet. I feel so bad for him and am tired of watching him in pain every time he tries to eat. He screams between swallows, screams when we go to burp him, arches his back, acts like he has a bad taste in his mouth all the time, and still wakes up crying during naps with gas pains (despite our massages, mylicon before every bottle, tummy time, bicycling legs etc). We do gripe water at night and that seems to help a little initially, but doesn't last long. I called the office today because since Thursday, his eating habits have gone to crap. He usually takes about 4oz per feeding, sometimes three. The past couple of days this is a rarity. He is struggling just to take 2oz and that worries me. All of this weight gain is going to go out the window if he can't eat!
Ugh, that is what is really upsetting me. I wanted to switch his formula and they told us "not yet" but DH and I are seriously contemplating switching from the neosure anyway to see if it helps. Not sure what we should switch to though, so we were really hoping the pedi would give us suggestions. It just breaks my heart to see him like this. When he is feeling good he has been more playful and I think we've even seen a few real smiles in there, but he hardly ever feels good anymore. It sucks
His sleeping was getting better too but the last couple nights we are back to the every 3 hours routine because he isn't eating enough during the day.
I really hope this is resolved before I head back to work in 3 weeks...
SK- I'd get off that neosure for sure. If it's just a matter of extra calories, you can mix regular formula a little bit stronger to make up the difference. Neosure is hard on a LOT of babies.
I think the most common formula here is Good Start (it's what we use, though we add it to my breastmilk)
As the mom of a baby with horrible reflux who gave up eating because he was just in too much pain too often, too long, please, take my advice (and your own) and do anything you can to get the pain to stop. If he's not eating well, it's only going to get worse.
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today i'm generally just peeved. i'm mad about the RSV changes. i'm concerned that i have belly pain again that resembles my gallbladder pain (i had it out on june 5th), but glad the dr thinks it's just reflux, so i'm taking nexium.
and most of all, i'm sad for mckmamma and stellan. seriously, i've been super bummed all day.
it does, however, remind me of how lucky i am in the end run, RSV shots or not.
Ditto this exactly for me too!
The doc's office called back with a prescription for prevacid but we really are going to have to change formula...if he is eating half as much he isn't getting the calories anyway! DH wants to try Target brand for sensitive stomachs...any thoughts on this?
The doc's office called back with a prescription for prevacid but we really are going to have to change formula...if he is eating half as much he isn't getting the calories anyway! DH wants to try Target brand for sensitive stomachs...any thoughts on this?
Kudos to you for putting up with 45 minutes of it, you have more control than I do that is for sure
I hate when people refuse to believe research, especially when it provides solid evidence to support your case. So much ignorance all around today it sounds like...
Oh. hell. no.
The best reaction I would have had would have been to hang up. The worst would have involved foul language.
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After 45 min I handed the phone to my DH who had literally just walked in the door coming home from work. It was totaly wrong of me to ambush him like that but I seriously couldn't handle it any longer! Sad thing is, we'll have the exact same conversation in a few weeks.
I may very well turn to one of those reactions when this all starts up again in a few weeks!