
I'm new here too...Introduction

Hi everyone,

My husband and I welcomed a little boy into the world on July 14 @ 32 weeks, 3 days. He is doing pretty good but still in the NICU, the current concerns are A&B's, feeding, and age. He is currently 34 weeks 1 day and we are praying that he can come home very soon.

I look forward to getting to know all of you. I had been lurking on here since I was about 30 weeks and put on strict bedrest. I had a very strong feeling that I would be joining you, you all seem like a great bunch of girls.

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: I'm new here too...Introduction

  • Congrats on your sweet boy.  I'm sorry you have to join us but the women here are very supportive and so i am glad we can be here for you.  It sounds like he is doing well and his hurdles are surmountable so he WILL get there.  Let us know if you need anything (venting, ?s, celebrating).
  • Welcome and congrats on the birth of your baby.  A's & B's are unfortunately pretty common and get better with age.  DS was a 26 weeker and he stopped having them at about 34- 35 weeks.  Has he started bottles yet?  That sometimes takes them a while to figure out, but when it clicks they really progress quickly.  Please feel free to ask questions or vent here if you want.  Everyone is wonderful here.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
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  • welcome and congrats on your LO! DS was born at 32w6d and had the same issues. he came home right before 37 weeks after 26 days in the NICU. good luck and keep us updated!!

  • Congrats and welcome!
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