No idea why, maybe from reading some terrible birth stories on here when I first found out about the twins (seemed to be a trend for a few weeks) but I just feel like I'm going to have these babies at 24/25 weeks. I know my intuition means NOTHING for this because I KNEW I was going to go late with DS (didn't know if it would be 1 day or 1 week, just knew I would go late) and I had him 16 days early. I think once i hit 26/27 weeks I'll feel better until I hit 33/34 weeks, then I'll be worried again until probably 36w. Ugh, I hate this worry that somethings going to happen to my boys and they'll be out too soon (I don't worry about them being too early to make it, but I don't want months in NICU obviously). When's viability again, 23w (DH keeps asking)?
Re: So scared for PTL
i worried my entire pregnancy, about PTL and just losing them period. A good friend of mine gave birth to her b/g twin at 23w2d in Oct, just a week before I found out I was pg... they only lived 4 and 5 days- so that was not a good thing to see a couple weeks before finding out i was having twins- it made me worry so much (and broke my heart).
24 weeks is considered viability - but that only means that 24w is when they WILL try to save their lives.... earlier and they might not do anything... but a 24 week baby does not have a great chance at life- and if survives, will likely have many problems- so it's nothing to really celebrate as some women do on the 2nd tri board (V-day and that crap).
Just do what you can - and pray a lot- that is what I did, and I made it to 38w. I took it easy, ate right, followed docs recs, and prayed and prayed.
What the neonatologists just told us is that 24 weeks is when they could survive. But they will only try to assist the babies at your request, because the outlook is generally grim for those babies. At 25 weeks they will automatically try to fight for your babies without you having to request it. Anything under 24 weeks they won't even try to save because the babies will have such poor outcomes that it's not fair to them.
At 28 weeks is when the babies have the best chances of having healthy long term outcomes. Anything prior to that and there's a much greater risk of health or developmental problems.
Best wishes to you that you never have to worry about that!
Same here. Just recently I've been able to chill out a bit since I know that at this point the outcome would be basically OK for them with some NICU time.
Hang in there and be sure to take it easy! I honestly am not sure if I'd still be PG if I hadn't lucked out and been PG over the summer when I'm off work. I'm very thankful for the timing we had.
24 weeks is viability. I went into PTL at 25 weeks, and I had been terrified of it all along too. My first pregnancy ended in miscarriage so I was already worried about losing my pregnancy from the start. I honestly never felt safe through my pregnancy. Even at the end, I worried if I didn't feel them move as often.
I acted VERY quickly and went to the hospital to get checked out after having contractions about every 5-10 min for a few hours. I just had a feeling something wasn't right. I was in the hospital for 4 days but things were under control and I was on bedrest the remainder of my pregnancy.
I think the fear is pretty normal though for any multiple pregnancy. It seems like the doctors warn you of all the things that can go wrong and my docs treated my pregnancy as a high risk pregnancy from the beginning. Hang in there, and just keep focusing on all the good things you can. And trust your instincts, if you feel like something isn't right, go to the doc or hospital to get checked out. The L&D nurses told me they'd rather have me come in and have nothing going on that come in too late. I worried about feeling stupid if they didn't find anything wrong, but they assured me that there is no reason to feel stuipd!
Although 24 weeks is considered viability, there are some 23-weekers that have survived, amazingly enough.
I agree that the fear is pretty normal for any multiple pregnancy. Hugs, take care of yourself--control what you do have control over--and hang in there. Although there are scary stories, there are also plenty of us who made it to full-term so try to keep it all in perspective. (((hugs)))
I was paranoid about PTL the whole time, too. ?I did everything I could to avoid it ... avoided doing chores, going to stores to run errands, etc.; started working from home on my own initiative at 28 weeks; ate tons and tons of food and drank a lot of water; etc. ?I was doing really great and had no signs of impending labor at my 34 week appt., and then the next day, my water broke and I went into labor. ?There wasn't anything I could have done to avoid that. ?I'm still thinking that Cordelia kicked her amniotic sac open.
Do the best you can and try not to worry about it. ?Just be aware of the signs and try to enjoy the pregnancy. ?
I was always so worried too. It helped to have good doctor appointments. Before my 26 week appt, I felt like things were getting more uncomfortable, and I was ready to ask my doctor to begin weekly appointments. Interestingly enough, at this appt, this was when a big change in my cervix was noted, and I had started PTL... I was having contractions every three minutes that I was barely noticing! Things turned out great for us (no NICU stay at all for either of my girls) although I was on hospital bedrest with procardia (with a few scares here and there) until the end.
Trust your instincts - I think it helps that you have already been through labor once before so you know some things to look for. Take it easy when you feel you need to, and keep thinking about those beautiful babies you are growing inside of you!
You know I ended up a PTL victim and it sucks but being aware of the symptoms is what saved us so I think it is great you are aware. With that said so many of the MoMs here make it to full term. You very well can be one of those ladies!!!! Try to be optimistic but aware and most importantly TAKE IT EASY! I was going full speed ahead and that is what I think did me in. You really can't start taking it easy early enough. This is my big huge regret.