.... how long did it take their meds to work? I noticed an improvement after about a day, but it took about 2 weeks for the full effect of the med to kick in
what were/are they on? prevacid
when did you take them off? only one of my twins had reflux, but it was BAD. He was on meds until he was about 13 months adjusted.
when did it STOP? When he was 13 months adjusted. The prevacid got it under control for awhile, but when he was about 7 months adjusted it got MUCH worse. We doubled his dose and that helped a lot, but he still had regular flareups after that point.
Started with zantac (useless) then Prevacid - LIQUID, flavored bubble gum - works better than the solutabs - the suck it out of the syringe and you can be sure they get every drop of it. You can get it flavored many different ways but bubble gum worked best for us.
when did you take them off?
Alison at about 7 months, Anna at about 18 months, Morgan at 3 years.
.... how long did it take their meds to work? I honestly don't remember, but it was pretty quick--within a day or two?
what were/are they on? Zantac. Their dose has gone from 1 ml to 2 ml twice a day. They still spit up a LOT but they have far less discomfort, and are sleeping better. (Though having them start sleeping on an incline made the biggest difference with their sleep!)
It's AWFUL, isn't it?! DS just started prevacid but its the tabs and I hate them. I don't really know if its working yet. He's still having a really tough time so our dr. is referring us to a GI dr. I hope to get this figured out soon too. It's exhausting.
Re: Moms of Reflux Babies ....
.... how long did it take their meds to work? I noticed an improvement after about a day, but it took about 2 weeks for the full effect of the med to kick in
what were/are they on? prevacid
when did you take them off? only one of my twins had reflux, but it was BAD. He was on meds until he was about 13 months adjusted.
when did it STOP? When he was 13 months adjusted. The prevacid got it under control for awhile, but when he was about 7 months adjusted it got MUCH worse. We doubled his dose and that helped a lot, but he still had regular flareups after that point.
.... how long did it take their meds to work?
When we finally switched to Prevacid about a week
what were/are they on?
Started with zantac (useless) then Prevacid - LIQUID, flavored bubble gum - works better than the solutabs - the suck it out of the syringe and you can be sure they get every drop of it. You can get it flavored many different ways but bubble gum worked best for us.
when did you take them off?
Alison at about 7 months, Anna at about 18 months, Morgan at 3 years.
when did it STOP?
See previous answer.
Both my twins had reflux. DD would burp, scream, and not eat. DS was the vomit/spit up king, but never cried.
DD was on zantac once a day with a whole tab of prevacid.
DS was on zantac three times a day with a half of prevacid.
Meds started to help in a few days.
DD was off meds by 13 mo. DS got off meds at 15.5 mo.