Trying not to: freak myself out; hope too much; hope too little; drink green tea (although just had a cup of white tea); pay attention to my mother who coincidentally is here visiting this weekend (thankfully, not staying with us) and is hovering and driving me CRAZY; act like this is all I'm thinking about so that DH doesn't think I'm crazy
Trying to: focus on the idea that my lone egg is a fighter; breathe (my acupuncturist says that if I focus on my "breath flow" to my uterus it will help blood flow and help promote implementation (if you knew me, you would be incredulous that I am listening to that advice, but I am)
I'm exhausted! Wish me luck!
Re: Need positive vibes: ET for my lone egg today!
Keep breathing, try to visualize that little one attaching and growing into a beautiful baby!
Try to keep as calm as possible, it is going to be a good day!!!!
GL, sweetie!!!!!!!
stay relaxed & let that little one snuggle in tight!!
~~Lots of growing, stay put, positive vibes coming at ya!!!~~
I agree with your accupuncurist - just think about your little one snuggling into your uterus and growing.
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do this a lot too!