
30 weekers.

My friend is in the hospital with consistant contractions. She is only 30wks. She was admitted yesterday at 2cm & 90% and they are giving her shots to stop the contractions, but they only work for about an hour before the contractions return. I'm wondering what her chances are if her daughter were to be born now. If your LO was born at 30wks (or so) what is your story?
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Re: 30 weekers.

  • oh they are VERY good, at 30 wks the survival rate is like 95%. N ow that is not the entire picture as there are sometimes issues with the feotus that causes an early delivery.

    my daughter was born at 30 wks too. my water b roke because I had too much water and my sack could n't take it. the reason for the extra water was that her stomach was not attached to her esophagus therefore she kept on producing new liquid and neve r recycled it through her system  the "normal" way... She also ended up having an head hemorrage for some unknown reason as well as a retinopathy and some other issues...She is doing well now and i hope that there is no underlying issues in your friend's case but what i am trying to say is that survival at this point shouldn ;t be a  problem at all but life at the NICU can be very hard as you never k now what can happen and thats very least that is my experience. There are some 30 weeker who have no problem at all and just need to grow,  that's it..i hope she will have one of them :) goodl luck!

  • AidgeAidge member
    30 weekers generally do really well.  Sam was born at 29 and 6 and we didn't have time for steriod shots, and he has been such a strong little guy! He was in the NICU for 7 weeks and is now 13 months old.  He is 13 months old, but 11 adjusted and is performing in some areas at his adjusted age and in other areas a little behind his adjusted age.  He gets weekly OT which has been wonderful.  He came home without any monitors as well.   GL to  your friend, it is scary, but at 30 weeks, things tend to go well.
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