Two Under 2

question from a non-2-under-2er

we are hoping to start TTC when DS turns 1 in december, but i'm not sure if we should.

i lurk and see that a lot of you are really enjoying your experiences with 2 under 2 and i'm wondering how many of you are SAHMs versus working moms. i'm just nervous that i won't be able to handle 2 under 2 and still work 40 hours a week!


Re: question from a non-2-under-2er

  • I work full time, and thank my lucky stars that I do.  I don't think I could handle 2 under 2 staying at home all day.  I love the time I get with them, but am happy to have the break from them while I work too.  I think for me going part time would be ideal.
  • I went down to 32hrs/week after DD#2 arrived but now I'm only working about 10hrs a week.  We are slowly lowering my hours so by the time #3 arrives I'll be SAHM full time.  GL!
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  • I think it's easier when you work FT.  I probably would not have done 2U2 if I SAH FT.  But, I think it only really works well if you have a DH that can take on an equal load.  If your DH travels or works long hours, I think it will be a challenge.  Both DH and I have very flexible jobs, which helps SO much.
  • My girls are 21 months apart.  We started TTC #2 right after DD#1's 1st b-day and got a BFP that month.  DH and I both work FT and the girls are in daycare FT.  I will be honest and say the 1st 3 months or so were a blur.  DD#2 was not an easy baby - had bad reflux until she was 11 months old and just got tubes last month at 15 months.  Overall, it has gotten easier every month - the first three month were a blur, by 6 months, I was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and now at 16 1/2 months - I am loving it.  My girls are so close and love each other - yes they have all those normal sibling things - pulling hair, fighting over toys, etc but watching them play and huge and kiss each other and jsut see how much they love each other makes it all worth it.  You get a routine down that works for you and then you adjust as needed.  I am not a huge newborn person and neither is my hubby so we are loving life now and are so excited about all the things we can do with the girls.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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