Time for our weekly check-in of developmental milestones. Feel free to share new successess and challenges or things that have worked for you.
In our house we continue to work on stairs and jumping for Olivia's gross motor. For speech we are still working on naming objects and the ever confusing world of pronouns.
Re: Working on Developmental Milestones: Weekly Check-In
We're still trying to get Max to come up with a real word... he's got the Mama and Dada sounds down, just doesn't put them in context yet.
PT wanted at least 1 reliable word by his next appt, which was supposed to be last week but got pushed to next week, so I'm still hoping and working on it as much as I can! It's so frustrating, having to drop him at day care every day, not knowing if she's working on it, or what she's doing all day!
We're in good shape physically; he's cruising like a champ and letting go and standing more and more often, so walking is just around the corner!
no change here. Still working on crawling & walking.
language- he started hitting a bitton to play a song if I sing which seems like a language thing and made me happy.
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Sophie just finished a session actually! We are still working on crawling, meaning lifting belly off the floor, and standing. The sitting she has down pat. Per the Developmental Coordinator, and Pedi., we aren't going to consider speech therapy until 18 months.
Right now Lily is "talking" up a storm.
If you say "La la la" to her, she will say "ah ah ah" back. She just started doing this the other day but it is consistent now. Very cute!!
Drake is in the middle of a language explosion. Over the last week, he learned the signs for cookie, cracker, banana, all done, and he says more and night-night. Wahoo!! I'm trying to figure out if Leo is letting Drake talk for him or if he's having motor skills problems that make signing hard, because he definitely knows what Drake is doing, but he isn't signing or saying much.
To help their speech development we're working on giving consonant sounds to all of their toys. Like the truck says B B B B B, the snake says sssssss, etc.
I'm starting to get really worried about Leo's gross motor skills again. He's been walking for about 6 months and his gait is odd, and his little body is still pretty tight. I need to make an appontment w/the pedi about this, because I'm not sure who to take Leo to see - a PT or an orthepedist.
I think we have a first word, people! ?And it is..........NO. ?Figures, right? That's ok, I'll take it! ?When feeding Keira she'll start saying "nonononono" when she doesn't want anymore. ?I'll then say, "All done?" and she'll reply, "Da" ?(Attempt at done maybe? ?Am I stretching here?) ?Then she claps and gets all smiley.
She's also been pretty consistent with waving bye-bye. ?She waves and says "Buh Buh". ?Then she gets so excited she claps her hands and jams her feet in her mouth. ?She's so cute I just want to SQUEEZE her!!!?
Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07
Totally a language thing