
MoMs to Be Friday check-In

I will post Mon, Wed, and Fri. I will also try to keep an updated link to the most recent post in my siggy.


****Newest Arrivals*****


Did you have your baby? If you have a birth story to share please post a link and I?ll add it in this section.


Congrats to JPW2006 on the bith of her boys on 7/12!!!

Congrats to MoMandA on the birth of her boys!!! Her Birth Story

Congrats to LoveEeyore on the birth of her B/G twins. Her Birth Story

Congrats to lavbar on the birth of her twin boys on 6/23!!! Her Birth Story

Congrats to ccctwins of the birth of her boy/girl twins on 6/24!!! Her Birth Story

Congrats to zoobaby on her boy/girl twins born 6/21!!! Her Birth Story

Congrats to the-anti-bride on the birth of her Boys on 6/24!!!


Here?s a list of all our mamas in order of due date:

*Please let me know if I missed anyone or if you?d like to be added to the list*


7.23.09       KAG30                   Girls!

7.29.09       pekabluhm               Boys!

7.31.09       blairsgirl                  Girls!

8.5.09         HHD3                      Girls!

8.7.09         lisa&andy                Boy/Girl!

8.21.09       times2                      Girls!

8.24.09       mcf100981              Girls!

8.27.09       Kim777                   Boys!

8.28.09       n&d+2                    Boys!

8.31.09       CheeckyLilMoo      Girls!

9.1.09         mish56                    Boy/Girl!


9.3.09              gummiberg             Boy/Girl!

9.5.09         groovygrl                Boy/Girl!

9.7.09         maria15288              Girls!

9.8.09         zschick4ever           Boy/? !

                        Carissa mom           Girls!

9.21.09       LoveTravel

9.27.09       parsley queen          Girls!

                  Mighty&Mousy      Boy/Girl!

9.28.09       jmubride2                Girls!

                  MrsBee10                Boys!

9.29.09       altbride23                Girls!

10.1.09       nsgriff                     Girls!

10.3.09       MarcieCasavant     Boy/Boy/Girl Triplets!!!

10.4.09       Bearfootz                Boy/Girl!

10.6.09       huskerchica            Goy/Girl!

10.9.09            sfitz0711                 Girls!

                        Shannon&Alan       Girls!

10.13.09      Mrs.Babbsy               Girls!

10.14.09      dec13th                   Boy/Girl!  

10.19.09      tsalsberry       

                   NewMommy2BeFinally    Girls!

10.21.09       lgurian                    Boys!

10.22.09       Danse                     It?s a surprise!

10.24.09       lalalauren926           Boys!


10.25.09      *francisca*             Boy/Girl!

10.27.09            crc143                          Boy/Girl!

10.31.09       MrsEABarton        Boys!

11.2.09        Mrs.Burdick          Boy/Girl!

11.5.09        RoseWhite            Boys!


11.9.09        Shannon&Joe         Boys!

11.11.09       kdbennet              Boys!

11.12.09      atc282                    Girls!

11.16.09      missjennlopez        Boys!

11.19.09      allinduetime           Boy/Girl!

11.23.09      mander1383          Boys!

11.25.09      jenm1999              Girls!

11.27.09      finallyreilly            Boy/Girl!                  

12.3.09        trieulam                Boy/Girl!

                  Breenie29             Boy/Boy/Girl Triplets!!!

12.4.09        j.h.mommy             

12.6.09        andigroves           Boy/Girl!

12.7.09        MarwrtyrB          Boys!


12.10.09     Soon2bMrs.NeilD

12.11.09      LauraS1977

12.18.09      TiffLee76            Boy/Girl!    


12.19.09      futuremom2b


12.24.09     Aussie*s_Mom   Boys!

12.25.09      marriedayooper  

12.30.09      Mari0221



1.6.10          kelliwill

1.10.10         blossom               Boys!

1.14.10        sweetbri

1.15.10        bunney





                  Trisha Ambrose

1.16.10       charliejoy18


1.18.10       lulugirl

1.19.10       corirosen

1.21.10       xMarialovesWilliamx

1.23.10       jls7284

1.26.10       schen0510

1.28.10       LightBlue

1.29.10       diasybride78

2.1.10         ErinCB

2.5.10         sunnybrook.

2.6.10         Ms.Scarlet

2.12.10       m_n_mwedding


2.14.10      Young1009004

2.24.10      JrzyMeeba1



3.3.10        AlexPuppy


 Anything new that you'd like to share? New appt? Did you find out the sexes? You may have to Highlight and scroll down to view question, as it is often cut off due to the size of the list.


                                 *Today?s Question*

What is your favorite piece in your maternity wardrobe? (If you have one yet)

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Re: MoMs to Be Friday check-In

  • Happy Friday everyone!

    MH and I have an appointment with our ob/gyn today in a couple hours.  We found out we're having twins after a visit to the ER and peri, so this will be our first visit to our ob/gyn since finding out about our twins.  We're excited!

    Today's Question:  The only piece in my maternity wardrobe is a Bella Band.  I love it so far.

  • Update: 5 hours till the big U/S! I'm really nervous, but also really excited.

    Q: I couldn't live without the ribbed tanks for motherhood. And i think they were only 7.50 each on sale. I love them!

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  • No updates since Wed.  Have an OB appt today and will have lots of questions about the high fluid situation for baby B.  Getting nervous.

    QOTD: I have one yellow top/t-shirt that I bought at JCPenny's outlet very early on and it seems like I wear it all of the time.  I think the fact that I didn't have to spend a fortune on it and it's comfortable makes me like it so much, even though it's plain.  I like that it doesn't make me look huge compared to some other maternity tops.

     I also have a new found appreciation for athletic sandals, the kind with just the velcro strap across the top.  I picked up a pair with cushioning on the bottom.  These are the only kind of shoes that fit most days because my feet are so swollen all of the time (and I don't like flip flops). 

    *Siggy Warning*

    About me  2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!



  • No new news here. B is still doing great. HURRAY!

    Favorite maternity "uniform": maternity shorts (i have 1 pair that I like) and maternity tank tops which show my bra straps. Wish I had something prettier but, I refuse to buy anything else for the summer (I have tons of fall/winter maternity clothes)

  • Update:  I have an u/s yesterday and the babies look great - so I've surpassed the 34 week mark - now we're trying to get to 37.  I'm soooo uncomfortable - my list of complaints would be too long to type here - but I know they need to incubate longer so I'm continuing to take it easy and keep these babies nestled in there.  They don't seem to have any desire to come out soon either, so that's good.  My NST was good - baby A got incredibly pi$$ed off with the monitors though!  She's a feisty one.

    Question: used to be this pair of Gap jeans - but they're not so comfy anymore.  So I guess now it would be my grey dress from Motherhood - it was CHEAP and it's comfortable!   

  • Update: FFN test came back negative (woo-hoo! and phew!!) from Wed. scare. On antibiotics for BV infection and praying it clears up and my back pain will go away for good!!


    QOTD: My fave maternity pieces are:

    -Bella band (to wear with pre-PG pants)

    -capri yoga pants (pre-PG but stretchy) from ON

    -MAXI DRESSES!!! can't get enough of them!! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker,Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We had a growth scan today and babies look great!  Measuring almost exactly the same, and even their heart rates were the same today : )  Still no guess at gender... but the machine wasn't the greatest either.

     When I was pregnant last summer I LOVED my Secret Fit Belly capri pants.  They're so comfy.  This time around I don't really have any favorites.  Probably just sweatpants around the house!

  • Update:  Just feeling bigger and bigger by the day...oh Baby B says hello to everyone, she informed me this by kicking me nice and hard


    QOTD: I have this AWESOME dress from Motherhood that is sooo comfortable and cute and I love it so so much.

  • Just waiting until 8/5 for my next appt. They will do the NT test that day and it my first appt with my OB (was working with a RE) I cant wait to talk to him and get his opinions on how a twin pregnancy will go for me.

    My favorite maternity piece is my secret fit belly jean capris. They are SO comfy. Honestly, anything secret fit is awesome. They werent out with my first pregnancy, so Im really appreciating them now!


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I dont really leave the house much, and when I do  its either for breakfast with my mother, lunch with my dad or the pool.  I typically wear my jogging shorts (same as pre-preg), a sports bra and a wife beater.  The colors my change by my outfit every day is practically the same.

    When I was going to work, I loved wearing flowy skirts.

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  • Not much to report here. I graduated from the RE almost 4 weeks ago and am waiting for my first OB appt 7/30.

    I bought a few sundresses on clearance at different stores and am living in them. I love how flowy they are and how soft the cotton is.  

  • Some news for you: Yesterday my OB scheduled a c-section for September 3! I will be 38w2d on 9/3. I was told to be a couch potato until then!

    QOTD: I have this pair of amazing jeans from Pea in a Pod called It jeans with the secret fit belly panel. Love them!

  • YAY Friday!  I totally can't wait to relax this weekend.  I am off to my OB for a check up in an hour.  The NT scan was on Monday and they were beautiful so I am looking forward to another good appointment!  I am calm today which is new for me!

    QOTD:  I just got a pair of "yoga" type pants from target.  They are black with wide legs, they sit below the waist, and have the belly built in to roll up or down.  They are so comfy.  I want a pair in every color!  Def. my favorite.

  • No update, dying to know what we are having and hoping we will know on Thursday next week.

    Favorite piece of mat. clothing is my Motherhood full belly jeans that I am wearing today.  They are super comfy and cute!!!

  • target tank tops and jeans almost every day, also a stretchy black strapless dress.
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  • I am loving my empire waisted sundresses.  I have bought quite a few from different places and while they aren't maternity they function nicely with the growing belly.

    I think I am gonna have to invest in some maternity undies though my underwear keep rolling down under my belly. LOL

  • My favorite things are my tank tops. It is so hot here right now, upwards of 100 degrees nearly every day, so I am desperate to stay as cool as possible!

    I went to L&D with regular contractions on Tuesday night. I went through a really long period of early labor with my older DS (2 weeks), so we didn't think it was the real thing, but wanted the babies on the monitors to make sure they were handling all the contractions okay. Babies look wonderful and as expected the contractions were not changing my cervix. Yay! They got them slowed down to about 10 minutes apart with Terbutaline and sent me on home. They have continued ever since. Last night they got pretty painful in the night and I was starting to get a little worried, but then the pain eased off and they were back to just tightening. Hoping we still have a bare minimum of a week left, hopefully more. I'm 35 weeks, 1 day now.

    Kimberly, DH Monte, Angel baby 10/06, Angel twin 7/07, Rhett Kaden, our IVF miracle, born 3/23/08, Mason Robert & Wyatt David, our FET miracles, born 8/2/09 at 36 weeks, 3 days
    Our Blog

  • Not much to update with me.. my spotting has been completely stopped for over a week now.  This makes me both relieved that it's gone and worried that something went wrong that I don't know about.  LOL  I can't win.  I have my next u/s on Wednesday and will hopefully get both reassurance and a photo to calm my head.

     As of now, I don't own any maternity clothing items.  My 'fat' jeans are getting quite snug, and I've had to get a couple new bras to tide me over, but that's it so far!

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  • No news, go to the ob next week.

    QOTD- I dont leave the house much but when I do its t-shirt and maternity jean shorts. When I want to look like a pg lady I wear one of the few maternity shirts and maternity capris/shorts. I hang out in home in gym shorts or my h's boxers and a tshirt. I bought some tanks a month ago and now they dont cover my belly so I might wear them at home every now and again. I am also a fan of flip flops. I can no longer bend down to tie my shoes, well I can but its really hard and flip flops are just easier.

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