Special Needs

PT eval today

At our last ped. appointment our dr. was concerned that DD might be a little hypertonic.  He wasn't sure if she was really showing signs of hypertenisis (is that even a word?) or if she was just pulling back on him when he was trying to manipulate her arms and hips.  Anyhow, EI is coming out today to do a PT eval.  If she is hypertonic it is the LEAST of her problems, but I am still nervous.  I hate feeling this way before every specialist appointment.  I guess it is because we went through a period where all we heard was bad news at dr. appointments, that I am still apprehensive.  Even though we have received a LOT of good news and most of our appointments now have been very positive and DD is doing great...I just hate this.

Sorry for the vent...I needed to get it out and I know you ladies understand.

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