My daughter turned 6 months old on July 2nd.....which means we're on day 22 of solid foods. It's not going well. She just doesn't seem to be a fan. At first I just thought she had no idea what to do with it in her mouth, but now I'm not to sure. I started with rice cereal, but have moved onto oatmeal cereal as she does seem to like it better. I've been pureeing my own fruits and veggies......sweet potato, squash, apples, and bananas. It's not hard work, but since she barely swallows anything it seems pointless. I'm hoping that maybe she'll just flip a switch and figure it out as that's how it's been for everything so far. This process brings me right back to the NICU.... working on teaching her how to suck, swallow, and breath all at the same time. Frustrating!
And to top it off, she used to sleep through the night, but now she's waking up again becasue she's starving. I just don't think the bottle is satisfying her so you'd think she'd want to figure out this solid food thing. Who knows...
FYI: At her 6 month appointment she was 13 lbs, 4 ounces and 24.5" tall.
Any advice?
Re: Calling all 32 weekers.....
Keep in mind that exploring solids at this age is just to get them used to the texture of food, taste, and how to eat. It's not supposed to be a "meal". Have you kept the bottle ounces the same? When DS began solids, he also upped his oz. from 6 to 8.
If she isn't taking food from a spoon, maybe try putting a dab on your finger and have her suck it off. If she likes to suck on your fingers, then this may be a good way to get her used to it. Keep trying. I have friends who would try to introduce solids every few days and it took a few weeks for their LO to warm up to it.
DS also went through a period of waking through the night hungry. He was also going to bed really early, so we weren't able to get his last bottle in and he would wake up hungry. Thankfully, it only lasted about 3-4 days.
DS is pretty good with solids, but my nephew wasn't interested. my sister just kept trying once a day and then, all of a sudden, he is a champ!
also - have you tried some stage 1 food? DS loves his solids, but won't eat the food i pureed myself. he coughs and "chokes" and puts up quite the fuss. break out a jar or stage 2 earth's best apples and suddenly he's starving....
i'm thinking it might just be a little too thick for him still.
We didn't start solids until he was 6 months adjusted but it was slow going. He'd try/eat almost anything - just didn't eat that much of it...actually, he didn't eat a measurable amount of solid food every day until he was almost 2yrs old. He's still a light eater now at 3.5yrs so I think it's just the way he is :-)
Breast milk/formula is still the most important thing right now so don't freak out if solids aren't a hit yet!
I make my own food, too (and I have a 32 weeker). I think you're saying she's refusing the food (not that she is having trouble swallowing it). My DS still has a really sensitive gag reflex, so for a very long time we had to puree things REALLY well (just keep adding more and more water) or he wouldn't eat it. I feel like all other babies his age are able to eat twice as many table foods as he does, but there are worse things we could be dealing with. I would guess she will get more enthusiastic over time - don't get frustrated. At this point she is still getting her nutrition from the bottle (or breast).
Those are all my DS's favorites you listed above (he also LOVES broccoli and cauliflower - he's funny like that).