My DD, who has MSPI and reflux, seems to be doing worse this week for some reason. After talking to our GI doctor today, she suggested we thicken her formula with rice cereal to help with the pain & spitting up. She's already on Zegerid and they said the dosage is correct for her age/weight. We've tried thickening her formula before and she just can't get anything out of the nipple. Last time she was much younger/weaker so I thought tonight it would be easier for her. She still can't seem to get much out. After 15-20 minutes she got an ounce. We use Dr Browns bottles & had a Y cut nipple. I had less than 1/2 tsp of cereal to nearly 4 oz of Neocate. Any suggestions? I'll call my doc again tomorrow, but thought I'd check to see if anyone had similar experiences and if you found a good solution that worked for your baby.
Oh and we also have her crib "tilted" to help ... any other reflux tips you can pass on? And is it normal to have a bad week? Or for reflux to worsen after so many months?
Re: thickening formula/reflux
I thicken my daughter's milk to a honey consistency because of aspiration and we use a fast flow evenflow nipple or a level 4 doctor Brown and it works very well...but she has a very strong suck. At the nicu they told us that giving her the paci will help with oral stimulation.
The speech therapist said that to help them with their oral skill, you can use a little textured rings toy and put it in their mouth, or an "ark's probe" pral stimulator or a little gum brush (it is cheaper to get it at the pet store as they are the same than in specialty store for babies but much cheaper)
Hope that helps! BTW, my daugther has reflux too and the medecine helps neutralize the acid so it doesn't hurt as much but it doesn't stop the reflux.