
Help me choose!

Anthony has taken to wearing his snowboots to play outside b/c he doesn't like getting his feet wet.  (With all the rain in CT this year this is a common thing!)  I want to get him some rainboots but can't decide wthich ones.  Which to you like?








For those whose DC wear them, did the handles at the top matter?

Re: Help me choose!

  • I choose cars, only because I know that's what my child would like.

    The handles help pull them up on their feet, especially if they don't have socks on.

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • Arguh this rain, huh?? I like the ones with the handles b/c they are easier to tug on :o) (and I PPH the labs!)

    Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>
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  • I think the ones with the handles will help your DS get them on by himself. That said, I prefer the pirates over the labs.
  • I like the labs!
  • pirates all the way! 
  • REOMREOM member

    My DD has ones with handles, and she can pull them on herself.

    I say go for handles. Dogs and I don't mix (I don't like them and they don't like me!) so I vote for the pirates!

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  • I figured the ones with handles would be easier, I am glad to know they are.  Anthony loves doing things himself, so I will definitely be choosing some with handles.
  • I love the pirates. I wouldn't choose just for handles if you like another print. My son and your son are the same age and my Jack has been putting his boots without handles on by himself for months. I never noticed handles might be easier. It makes sense I guess. Jack's rain boots were the first shoes he could put on by hi self.
  • Where are those lab ones from?  DS might need those.
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  • Wellies with boot straps=the way to go!  I like Pirates!
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