DS is 2 yrs 9 months and he's going through a very clingy phase lately. He's also pretending to be a baby a lot. He's an only child and I'm not pregnant so it doesn't have anything to do with a new sibling. I'm assuming its just another random phase but I'm not sure the best way to handle at this age. Of course I want him to feel safe and reassured and know that I'm always here for him, but I also know that he needs to develop a bit more independence etc.. He does have one class that we do once a week where he goes by himself without me. He has done fine in it up until the last 3 weeks when he started this clingyness. Any ideas, suggestions for handling?
Re: How do you handle clingy phases in 2.5 yr olds or older?
DS is 2y8m and doing the same thing lately. He wants me to carry him everywhere and refuses to walk. He has started crying when I drop him off at school every morning. It's driving me nuts, but I just keep repeating my mantra: This too shall pass.
ETA: I just wanted to add that I don't give into him all the time. If I have the time, I let him cry and do not pick him up. Or if we are at home, I enforce independent play so I can cook dinner, clean, etc.
ditto - like when I had to make dinner, put in some laundry, do a chore, etc. He is fine playing alone, but he went through an extremely clingy stage. Of course, he still asks to be held quite frequently and he snuggles and wants me to do pretty much everything (as opposed to daddy or anyone else), but I truthfully love it, because I know it won't last forever :-(