I went for my CD2 b/w and u/s today. Lefty was playing peek-a-boo behind my uterus, but was visible after lots of jabbing, prodding, and rearranging of my internal organs. Final we were able to see she had 4 follicles and a big ole cyst, which the RE was not concerned about. Righty also showed 4 follicles. Not great numbers, but I'll take them. I start my injections tonight, and hopefully these little buggers do lots of growing!
TTC since 3/08
DOR, High FSH, Hypothyroid, Uterine Polyps, blocked tube, MFI,
5 rounds of clomid, 5 IVF attempts, 2 hysteroscopies,
2 natural conceptions=2 losses (Methotrexate, D&C)
Successful DE cycle twins born 10/7/11

Re: Hoping 3rd time is a charm, IVF underway...
I think that sounds pretty promising...I have a cyst also, that I've apparently had for awhile, and my RE wasn't concerned either...don't sweat it!
Remeber what you said to me...slow and steady wins the race!
I am so looking forward to this being the cycle for you!!!!
Good luck!!!!!
I really hope this is it for you!!!!
Good luck, QE2!
This will be the one! : )
Good luck!!!
I'll steal from the title of a TV show from our younger years:
"Eight is Enough"
Good luck!
I was wondering how you were doing! Hope this is lucky #3 for you!!!! And for me
Good luck on your LAST cycle!