

I just went to the LGBT parenting board...I was like, "What does THIS stand for?"?

I thought it was like allergies or TTTC or something! ?

Re: Oh!

  • LOL!  TOO FUNNY! How long did it take you to figure it out once you were there???
  • Well, I can usually tell by the posts what a board is about but seriously the first post was "Peanut allergies?"?

    And I was going, "There's an allergy board on theBump? What does LGBT mean in the allergy world?" Then I read the description and I was like..."Oh..Ohhhhh!"

    I'm totally down with having diverse boards, and there are some lesbian newlyweds on some boards on the Nest so I think it's great, but being's just you know...not personal to me! ?

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  • LMAO.

    This was exactly the kind of post I needed to read after getting up at 4 am to catch a flight.  (Not that you care I got up at 4 since you regularly do so!)

    You're such a goob.

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