Working Moms

Icepacks not allowed through airport security?

I travel for work and have gone through airport security with BM, without DS, a few times - no problems. Today at the Jacksonville, FL airport the TSA guy questioned me about how far I was traveling (FL to Milwaukee, layover in Atlanta) - I thought he was just making conversation. Then he asked if the other thing in the bag with the milk was an icepack - "yes" I answer. (I use gel packs) He told me "normally we don't allow icepacks through security but I guess this is kind of a special situation so I'll let you keep them." I smiled and said "Thank you". He handed me my stuff and I walked away.

WTF???  It does me no good to travel with BM if I can't keep it cold.

I don't trust icecubes because when I am traveling to/from the airport its not usually directly from a hotel (with fridge) so I need something that stays cold for many hours in a hot car.

Anyone else ever been told this? The TSA website says gel packs are allowed for medical liquids and I thought breastmilk would count as a medical liquid...?

Married June '03. DS born Jan '09. DD born Feb '12. No, we didn't choose to be childless for the first 6 years, only the first 3.

Re: Icepacks not allowed through airport security?

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    You're probably going to get a different answer from each TSA employee on this one.  I might stock up on some cheap ice packs and bring along some empty zip lock bags.  That way, if they take your ice pack you can go to a McD's in the airport and fill up a couple zip locks with ice once you get through security.  That's what we usually do when we travel with milk for our kids (they can only have soy, so we can't buy it for them when we get through security).
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    I got this once at Philadelphia airport. I just politely asked to speak with a supervisor, and the supervisor immediately waved me through.

    I've traveled with breastmilk and icepacks many, many other times and have never even gotten a second glance, so I think that particular TSA guy (and the one you encountered) were just being stupid.

    Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)

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    I just flew 2 weeks ago and had no problems either way. In Chicago, they were MUCH more thorough about my bottles of formula (doing the stick test) - and not a word about the ice packs.
    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
    ~Benjamin Franklin

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10

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    I work for TSA.  That guy is a douche!  We are hiring right now so he may be new.  You ARE allowed to take icepacks with BM.  If anyone tells you otherwise ask for a supervisor and keep going up the chain of command if you have to. 

    Starlab- Do you know where I can find something in writing that says this? I will be traveling in 2 weeks and would love a print out from TSA's website stating this, but my google search returned nothing.


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