Blue!! Both boys. I was positive there was a little girl in there!! I guess my "feeling" was wrong
They were not too shy today.
IVF cycle 1-BPF!
9/13/09-Twin boys born at 23 weeks due to Pprom.
Ethan and Jacob-our beautiful angel babies lived for 11 minutes and 23 hours.
Single embryo FET 12/2009-BFP!
Blake born 8/2010 at 39 weeks after 36 hours of labor and an emergency c section <
IVF 2- BPF! Due April 27th
Our Story
Re: Looks like we are team...
My feeling was wrong too I thought I was having two boys.
Yes... they said 15 weeks is the earliest they will say. I guess they are formed by then??? We went in at 13 1/2 weeks and they said they couldn't tell yet.
Thanks for all the congrats ladies!! I was so shocked. I would have bet 100.00 one was a girl.
9/13/09-Twin boys born at 23 weeks due to Pprom.
Ethan and Jacob-our beautiful angel babies lived for 11 minutes and 23 hours.
Single embryo FET 12/2009-BFP! Blake born 8/2010 at 39 weeks after 36 hours of labor and an emergency c section < IVF 2- BPF! Due April 27th Our Story
congrats! I LOVE my little boys - a bit more work on the front end (they RUN everywhere and are into EVERYTHING) but easier during the teenage years.
And those who say they can't find cute boy clothes, haven't looked hard enough. I have such fun shopping.
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