Working Moms

Morning routines

What do you do with your kids while you're getting ready for work?  On a good day, DS will sleep while I shower and get ready, but lately he keeps getting up a little early and I need to occupy him so that I can get out the door.  He used to sit in his bouncy seat or the PNP, but now that's he's really mobile, he wants no part of that.

Another question:  once you stopped nursing/giving bottles first thing in the am, do you just wait until your kids get to daycare to eat?  They feed him right away once he gets there, but I worry that he might be hungry when he wakes up because he's used to nursing then. 

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Re: Morning routines

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    DS usually gets up at 6.  I get up then and feed him right away.  We play for a little bit, then I take him upstairs while I get ready.

    I tried doing a PNP, but as I've also done the jumpy seat - he prefers that. It's one you attach to a door frame and I put it in the bathroom.  He watches me get ready or bounces around.  So far- it's kept him content.

    This morning, though, he didn't get up until 6:30 so I was able to shower and get ready before getting him.  I MUCH  MORE prefer that!!  Much easier.

    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
    ~Benjamin Franklin

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10

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    DS has been sleeping until 7ish the past few weeks.  I am able to get completely ready before he gets up.  I shower and get most things ready the night before, so it makes getting ready in the am easier.  Now that DS is more mobile I usually let him play in his room or the living room while I get ready (when he is awake before 7).  Sometimes I will bring him in the bathroom or kitchen with me and give him a toy or two to play with.  If he is really getting into trouble, I give him a snack in his high chair.

    I still nurse DS in the morning before bringing him to daycare.  DS also eats right when he gets to daycare.  If I think he might be really hungry I do give him a quick snack before daycare.

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    E CE C member

    On weekdays, we generally leave DD in her crib.  If she's awake, she talks to herself or kicks the walls.  Keeps her happy, so I don't worry about it.

    On weekends, or days that I'm home with her, I let her roam.  We have a gate at the top of the stairs, so she can wander around and I don't worry about it.  We usually end up playing peekaboo.

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    Right now, DS usually wakes up for the day at about 6:30.  If he doesn't wake up, DH wakes him.  DH feeds him breakfast while I take a shower and get started on getting ready.  DH brings DS back to our room and I finish getting ready and watch DS while DH showers.  Basically, we both watch him and get ready at the same time.

    We were just talking this morning about changing this up.  DS used to be interested in watching us get ready and crawling all over our bathroom and room, but he seems to be getting bored.  I think I am going to have to get up earlier and be completely ready by the time DS is finished with breakfast soon.

    As for your other question, I still nurse, but I don't nurse first thing in the morning.  DS usually wakes up about 5 am and nurses then, so we do feed him breakfast at home as soon as he wakes up.  He doesn't usually eat a lot at home but he does seem a bit hungry.  He also eats a second breakfast at daycare.  He doesn't usually eat that much at a sitting, so he eats five times a day -- 6:30 (breakfast at home), 8:30 (second breakfast), 12:00 (lunch), 3:30 (snack) and 6:30 (dinner).  I asked the doctor about this schedule earlier this week, and she said eating 5 or 6 times a day is pretty normal.

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    DS usually wakes around 6:30 for the day, so I typically wake up between 5:45 and 6 and try to get mostly ready before he gets up. If I am not completely ready, he is usually content to play in his crib and watch his projector until I am done. Then I change him and give him his bottle. I usually let him play with toys for a few minutes until I can eat my breakfast and get the car loaded. Then we are out the door by 7:15. He hasn't cut out the first bottle of the day yet, so I can't help you there. Maybe give him a sippy of milk in the car on the way to daycare to tide him over?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    DD #1 passed away in January 2011 at 14 days old due to congenital heart disease
    DD#2 lost in January 2012 at 23 weeks due to anhydramnios caused by a placental abruption
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    DD wakes up around 5 am for her 1st bottle of the day.  DH & I alternate our schedule every other day.  So this morning, for example, it was my day to get up w/ her.  I gave her a bottle. Then we (DD/me) both went back to sleep.  DH got up at 6 to shower & dress for the day.  When he was done, he woke me up.  I hopped in the shower just as DD was waking up.  While I was getting ready for work, DH was getting DD ready to start the day (new diaper, change of clothes, etc). 

    DH had prepared her day's supply of bottles last night while I was repacking her diaper bag.  So once we're all dressed & ready to go, all I had to do was toss the day's supply of bottles into her diaper bag, strap her into her carrier & load everything into the car.  A quick kiss goodbye to DH in the driveway & we're off.  I drop DD at child care (a relative's house) by 8 am & I'm walking into work by 8:30.

    Tomorrow morning we'll reverse the routine....he'll get up w/ her at 5 am, I'll sleep until its time to shower at 6. 

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    My son usually sleeps until 8 o'clock, so I am usually ready for him by that time.  However, sometimes, I hear him around 7:30 or so.  I just let him in his crib.  He has a few toys in his crib, and he talks and plays by himself.  We always do breafkast together.  Once he wakes up, I change his diaper and clothes, and then we sit down for breakfast.  After breakfast, we are out the door.
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    I am typically ready by the time my kids wake up or I wake up but if not, DH is in charge and he just starts getting them ready for the day or they sit on my bed with some milk and cereal and talk to me while I'm getting ready.  As far as feeding them, breakfast is not served at daycare until about an hour to an hour and a half after I do drop off.  My girls have milk at home and sometimes so dry cereal or fruit.  I always have a breakfast bar that I give them either in the car or right when we get to daycare and they do great with this.  Its really common at my daycare with the kids that have the early drop offs.  They wait until 8 or 8:30 to serve breakfast so that the majority of kids are there.  I know I have gotten my kids there at 8:30 or 8:45 if we have a morning doc appointment and most kids are done eating by then but the food has typically still been in the room so my kids can get a plate.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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