I have heard and seen other's put the toddler potty in another room other than the bathroom. Fortunately, we never had to do this. Do you know why people would need to do this? Just curious the reasoning behind it.
yup, and i swore i would never do that. I did it because she just could not make it to the bathroom. She was too caught up in playing to stop and pee. Soooo, I put it in her room. It did not work in the long run because she was just not ready to potty train. When she finally was ready she went in the bathroom in the regular toilet and did not even use her potty.
Mom did it w/my sister. Our only bathroom was upstairs, she had the potty in the front hall by the stairway (basically in the living room). Wood floor there, & she had towels under it. She'd have never made it up in time.
We have a little potty in our kitchen (sounds gross, I know). The reason is bc of the way our house is set up. They would have to go all the way upstairs (which is gated) to use the bathroom, or downstairs (also gated) to a bathroom that we never use. It is not convenient and therefore they would never go..or at least not as often as needed.
BUT they also aren't potty trained so the potty pretty much just sits there. If/when someone decides to use it, it is not near the food (our kitchen is big) and I clean it out with bleach as soon as they are done.
Anyway, that is our reasoning! My guess is lots of people do it bc the bathroom is not close.
We had ours in the living room, but only for the first two days. I put towels under it in case of accidents. I did that so I could bribe him with Noggin for sitting on the potty. I know that sounds terrible, but it worked and after 2 days I moved it back to the bathroom and he started going in there himself to use it!
Yes, we have a potty in the living room. Because sometimes every second counts.
DD can not get her pants down or climb up on the big potty by herself, so if I'm in the kitchen and she says I need to go peepee in a panicked voice, it's all I can do to get to her and get her on the little potty in time. But normally she prefers to use the big potty.
I actually don't see the point in having a potty chair in the bathroom, she just uses a potty seat on the toilet there.
I might feel differently about having a potty in my living room if I didn't have tile floors though.
In the beginning, I put it in the living room where he was playing. ?Sometimes he needed to sit a while, and it helped for him to watch a Thomas video or something. ?It just made it easier for him to remember to use it. ?We eventually moved it to the bathroom, and then he just started using the regular potty.
My friend still had a gate on her DS' bedroom when he PTd but he would wake up to go potty so there was one in his room he would use so that he did not need help...by the time they would get to him to bring him to the potty he would go in his pants in the night.
Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies
Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
Re: Potty training - did you or do you have the potty in a room other than the bathroom?
Ours is only in the bathroom, but we're not 100% PTing right now either.
yup, and i swore i would never do that. I did it because she just could not make it to the bathroom. She was too caught up in playing to stop and pee. Soooo, I put it in her room. It did not work in the long run because she was just not ready to potty train. When she finally was ready she went in the bathroom in the regular toilet and did not even use her potty.
Mom did it w/my sister. Our only bathroom was upstairs, she had the potty in the front hall by the stairway (basically in the living room). Wood floor there, & she had towels under it. She'd have never made it up in time.
We have a little potty in our kitchen (sounds gross, I know). The reason is bc of the way our house is set up. They would have to go all the way upstairs (which is gated) to use the bathroom, or downstairs (also gated) to a bathroom that we never use. It is not convenient and therefore they would never go..or at least not as often as needed.
BUT they also aren't potty trained so the potty pretty much just sits there. If/when someone decides to use it, it is not near the food (our kitchen is big) and I clean it out with bleach as soon as they are done.
Anyway, that is our reasoning! My guess is lots of people do it bc the bathroom is not close.
Yes, we have a potty in the living room. Because sometimes every second counts.
DD can not get her pants down or climb up on the big potty by herself, so if I'm in the kitchen and she says I need to go peepee in a panicked voice, it's all I can do to get to her and get her on the little potty in time. But normally she prefers to use the big potty.
I actually don't see the point in having a potty chair in the bathroom, she just uses a potty seat on the toilet there.
I might feel differently about having a potty in my living room if I didn't have tile floors though.