
Tell me your latest 'that kid' story.

Maybe they will make me feel better though I am not sure that anyone can top Nathan getting kicked out of story time this morning.  

He was just being two and a boy.  Not sitting still, wanting to climb on the chairs (sit down and repeat), run around anything but sit still and listen to the story.  He was quiet (but not still) until Hailey came and sat by me and took one the seats he would climb up and sit on.  All hell broke loose, an all out tantrum. I was getting ready to leave upon gathering my stuff the staff was standing there and said something like "oh, i was about to ask you to leave."  

As we were leaving, DD realized she wouldn't get her sucker, coloring page and sticker.  She started to get upset,  so I let her go back and sit while DS and I hung out in the back.

All the other kids sat quietly....why can't mine?   So embarrassing.  DH laughed when I told him...grr

Its his age right?  DD was the same way at that age and I can't recall a recent 'that kid' story for her.  

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Re: Tell me your latest 'that kid' story.

  • it's been awhile but i took M to the mall.  we were both hungry and I was exhausted.  bad combo.  we left TCP with a dress and a hat that i would have never purchased willingly.  the dress was on over her clothes b/c she refused to take it off (tantrum ensued, etc).  the lady checking us out had scan the items on Malia.  we left the mall immediately after but still had to walk through the whole place with a hobo child.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • There is no way I ever would have gotten Maddie to sit through a story time at 2.  I think it would be an issue even now at 3 1/2.  She is far to active and I know her limits.  I can imagine we would have been kicked out and asked to never return.

    Now she is too curious, and would be constantly interrupting to ask questions.  We stick with the park, zoo, etc. That way the only people she really annoys with her incessant talking are me and dh.

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  • We just flew cross country with me pinning DD's legs down to stop her from kicking the seat in front of her.  She also cried for a long while on the flight.  She was sick on the flight home and cried when we were getting on the plane....the lady behind us asked if she could change her seat.  Luckily she was quiet the rest of the flight, but I was really frustrated/embarrassed.  My kids act fine when they're in strollers, but are little hellions when they get loose. 
    L 7/06 E 8/07 L 6/10 imageimageimage
  • Mine decided that yesterday was a good day to destroy the Carters store. The one by me is kind of small and all I had with me was my big Graco Stroller, so I went in with out it. One ran one way and the other went the other way pulling things off the racks and Stan even hid on me I WANTED TO DIE! They looked like they have never been in a store before. So, after helping the sales girl clean up..... I left and put McKenna in the stroller and kept Stan next to me, poor guy was grounded to the stroller.
  • My DS would sit and listen by 2 1/2 but only IF the person reading the story was "good".  If someone is just reading with not much animation he looses interest pretty fast.  It's gotten much better since he has gone to preschool.  It will be interesting how he is when he starts back this Fall.
  • EXL311EXL311 member
    Yesterday at Wal-Mart I had DS in one cart and DD was standing next to it.  She kept messing with him, basically just trying to get a rise out of him.  So I gave her a few warnings that if she didn't stop she would have to go in the other cart.  She didn't stop so I put her in the cart and she flipped the heck out.  She was screaming, her face was red and she kept struggling against me to get out of the buckle while I kept putting her back in.  The Wal-Mart greeter didn't help when she decided to greet a screaming DD as we were trying to leave the store.  Thankfully I was able to make her sit and calm down before getting all the way out of the store.
    Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
  • I took ds for prof pics recently and it was a nightmare.  I thought I had prepared him for what was about to happen but apparently not.  The moment the photographer sat him on the stage, he freaked out.  He cried for 15 minutes straight and saying, "I don't want to take pictures."  I had to call dh, who was at work, and convince him to leave and meet me at the mall.  Once he walked in, we were able to calm ds down enough that his face went back to a normal color and the swelling went down.  In the end, the pictures turned out great and you would have never known what a tantrum he had thrown.  I tipped the photog $20 for being sooo patient and understanding.  She was a saint.
  • wow - i can't believe they were so rude as to make the off-handed comment that they were about to ask you to leave. if you were already leaving what was the point in saying that?
  • We don't do story hour for this very reason and dd will be 3 next month.  It's not worth it, since dd's not interested anyways.
    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
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