Some common ones used on this board that you may not see on other boards:
HT/HTT/HTW: Hot Topic, Hot Topic Tuesday, Hot Topic Wednesday (controversial topic that helps get discussions going)
GTKYF: Get to Know You Friday
BP/BM/BF: Birth Parent(s), Birth Mother, Birth Father
AP: Adoptive Parent
FP: Foster Parent
FC/FS/FD: Foster Child, Foster Son, Foster Daughter
any others to add??
Re: PSA: Abbreviations
PAP: Prospective Adoptive Parent
FM: First Mom
CC - Caucasian
AA - African American
BR - Bi-racial
DA/IA/FA - domestic adoption, international adoption, foster to adopt
Expectant Mom (under the thought that a woman is not a "birth/biological/first mother" until she has actually place a child or had her rights relinquished)
This is so helpful. I was trying to figure this out
Is there a bio with info on adoption/fostering?
No we don't have that...the board has only recently really started picking up. Also with adoption there are so many variables that it's difficult to put that much information together without misguiding someone.
Most people on here recommend starting with Idiot's Guide to Adoption or Adoption for Dummies, as well as and to learn more about adoption in the beginning.
Feel free to ask questions though about adoption/fostering...everyone here is really supportive and very informative.